I’m a little embarrassed to say that I’ve never thrown Steve a party…til now.  Friday, April 15, was an incredible night as we celebrated Steve’s upcoming 49th birthday (this Friday is the actual day).  I still feel a little (a lot) amazed.  We held it at the beautiful Tetherow Golf Club and squeezed in about 100 friends and family.  Steve’s family flew in from all over the world – including Africa.  I’ve been wrestling with what to say about it here on this lil’ bloggy billboard, because it’s just really hard to describe something as significant as this particular night was in my life.

I’ll tell you about some of the fun details later this week, but for today, I just wanted to share a couple of photos and exactly the words that I wrote in my journal to Jesus the morning after.

April 16, 2011

Some things leave me breathless, speechless…overwhelmed.  Last night was one of those moments.  The culmination of so much living, working, friending and believing.  So much YOU.  So much hope.  Joy.  Thank You for speaking the words so many Saturdays ago, “throw Steve a party.”  You are this as much as you are anything: the God who throws a party.  The God who celebrates life.  The God who is not stingy with affirmation and lovingly lavishes reminders that each life matters…that we in our tiny, dusty humanity – are still a part of what You’re doing on this planet.


I am overwhelmed by Your goodness.

The night was perfect.  Just perfect.  The place, the food, the people, the gifts…I could never have imagined or dreamed.  It was a celebration that was exceedingly abundantly beyond my blueprint.  Oh, how I thank You, Jesus.  Thank You for SO showing up.  Thank You for providing in so many ways.  Thank You for all that is to come.  You are beautiful beyond beautiful and You are God.

Let many seeds fall into many lives.  I love You and worship You for all you are doing and are about to do…what a brilliant and loving God You are.

I am in love with the God who loves to party.





  1. Amen to God who is a God who celebrates life! The pictures speak volumes about God’s love in and through each one of you! Thank you for sharing the pictures and your heart. Love to you and your family!

  2. Best party ever!

  3. It was truly an evening out of (married) Cinderella’s story-book, except better.

    Everything about it was warm, loving, and had Jesus’ name written all over it. Doesn’t get any better than that!

    Love this pic of you and Steve, and love you both and Team Stern.

  4. God is always above and beyond….always exceeds. The evening was no exception. I love these photos, especially the one of you and your sweetheart.

  5. Great pictures. Thanks for sharing, and “Happy Birthday” to Steve.

  6. I’m starting a new denomination – “The Party of God.” Sounds right to me. You are the founding members.

  7. I so LOVE this…and the Stern’s…and the God who loves to party <3

  8. and I am in love with you…..more each day……and agree 100% about God – He’s awesome. HUGS!