Hem of His garmentDo you ever wonder why some people are healed and others are not?  I am asked about this regularly and it’s a question I take seriously because it’s not abstract to me.  It’s a right-here, right-now  issue for us.  So I have studied.    And pondered.  And studied.  And pondered still more.  And I’ve arrived at an answer.




The answer to why some are healed and some are not is: I don’t know.


Steve and I could spend time, energy and emotion trying to connect the dots and get all the colors to match up on the doctrinal Rubik’s cube, but that’s not what I want to do.  Instead, when I’m faced with something I don’t understand or can’t possibly know about the nature of God or the decisions He makes, I choose to stand on what I do know.


I know that He is good.


I know He is kind.


I know His work is trustworthy.


I know that when I get to heaven I will owe Him everything and He will owe me nothing.


And this is enough for me.  It may seem like taking the easy way out theologically, but I can assure you: nothing about this is easy.  When our experience seems to conflict with the promises of the Word, it’s hard.  It’s painful.  But our commitment to trust Him stands when He outperforms our expectations and it also stands when life is not as we thought it would be.  I will trust Him without conditions, without apology to those who don’t understand and without regret.  Because what I do know is enough to hold my faith steady through the storms that are caused by what I don’t know.


The comments door is open wide – feel free to weigh in.  Are there any areas where it’s difficult to trust God’s sovereignty?  Have you ever felt disillusioned with the divine?  How do you handle spiritual disappointment?  Deep water for a Wednesday, I know, but I’d love to hear from you.


With hope,






  1. Walking through the graveyard one day, I was oddly at peace, though still grieving. The fact that it didn’t make sense made sense in this way:
    I grew up with an uber genius big brother. He was also very loving and kind and gentle. He wanted to share all his growing knowledge with his little sisters. And we would listen and nod — and not understand most of what he said.
    We knew it was true though. And we knew he knew more than we would ever know. And we knew that he loved us and cared about us and wouldn’t lie to us.
    How much more God? I find peace in this analogy.
    And I am so thankful for the insights the Lord gives you. <3

  2. I am pretty sure that I don’t have any answers either, and I surely am not in near as difficult a place as you guys are, but I whole heartedly agree with your statements. God is good all the time no matter what. Be encouraged today in Him and know that you are being lifted up to him by many.


    • Rob Bagley! What a delight to see your name in the comments today! We Sterns miss you and hope you are well…thank you for the prayers I know you’re praying for my beloved. Seems like a long time since you were in our wedding, doesn’t it? 🙂

  3. Regarding the last 3 questions: Yes, not disillusioned but confused and there are never Spiritual disappointments while living His Will but physical disappointments abound, whether in His Will or not. People don’t seem to understand the miracle/s that happen in suffering and in death. God’s Blessings abound through it all. God is great enough to have Steve around another 40 years, wearing a neck brace. We pray for physical healing and Trust God for His complete Transformation in us.

  4. We have been wading in the deep also lately, talking with Drs., wrestling with pressures from those wanting us tp try this cure or decisions that are too weighty to make a mistake about, leaving us frazzled.
    The next day our hearts were quieted when we read in a little devotional Ps 16:5, “Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.”
    “If we do not have quiet in our minds, outward comfort will do no more for us than a golden slipper on a gouty foot” (very painful condition) – John Bunyan
    Whew, we don’t have to figure it out. We can trust Him in this storm and with these decisions because He knows the end of the story and He has made our lot secure.

    • Thinking of you today, Marla. Oh, how I understand the pressure of those decisions. I’m taking strength from the devotion you shared.

  5. I just want to say you are brave!

  6. I have never had any trouble trusting in god. He has done miraculous things in my life. My husband should have died from cancer in 2005 but after living in the hospital in Portland for a year, his cancer was eradicated and, although he suffers greatly and is in the hospital frequently, He is here and doing all he can to support his 5 girls and encourage their growing faith. His pain today is caused from the issues related to all the surgeries and scaring(human caused issues)but he was healed. I think that some things are only meant to be know by God.
    I am occasionally disillusioned but it is almost always because I have expectations of people. I Love unconditionally and accept people for who they are and expect the same from others so when I don’t get that, I am disappointed by them. The Lord has never disappointed me and as long as I remember that, Christ follower or not, people are only human and I have to forgive them for that and praise the Lord for what he has given me.

  7. I love this post. I love your honesty. And your answer is deeply theological. It all boils down to faith. Do we trust God or don’t we? The truth is that we have a God who is beyond our understanding. His ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. We must rest in this. We must have faith, even when circumstances are difficult. And the truth is that the Scripture has a lot to say about suffering. One of my favorite passages to remember during times of suffering is Romans 8:31-39. The verse 35 of that passage say, “Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?” The bottom line is that we are loved by Christ! NOTHING can take that away from us and we need to learn to treasure His love for us above all else. Romans 8 (along with the majority of the new testament) was written to a suffering church – – the new testament believers were enduring severe persecution, many even being put to death for their faith. And what words did God have to comfort them in their affliction? “I love you. And nothing you face in this life can take that away from you.” Oh, the grace of God! He doesn’t always remove the trials – – instead, He reassures us of His love for us and He faithfully walks through those hard times with us. What a good and gracious God we serve!
    [Some other passages that deal with suffering: Romans 5:1-11; 1 Peter 1:1-9; James 1; Hebrews 12; 2 Corinthians 4:16-18….just to name a few! Read these and let God’s comfort and peace wash over you…]

  8. Healing, how, when, and why it happens is such a huge mystery., there’s no ritual or formula… whatever is in Gods plan will happen. I love the comments of one of your readers, “we can trust Him- He has made our lot secure”. My husband was born totally deaf. When he was 6 the first sounds he ever heard were people praying in the spirit, as his one ear opened up to 40%. It was extremely life changing. On the other hand, my heart is heavy today as I think of a precious, well loved baby who went to be with Jesus last Friday. She was born August 21, the same day as our sweet grand baby, she went in her sleep… (SIDS). If you think of it, please pray for those who loved “Maven” as they say good bye to her tomorrow.

    • Praying right this minute, for the family of Maven. Oh, Jesus – bring comfort and hope like only You can.

  9. Hi Bo, thank you. My Dad always taught me when we lived on the farm when i was little. Life is a cycle, we don’t know how long it will be, and he said that what ever you do or wherever you go leave that place your at better then when you got there.
    my add on to this is, if you are sitting still or take one step or many steps, God has a purpose for your life. 🙂 hope that makes sense ?

  10. Love the comments here. Healing is a big word and I don’t think we will ever comprehend all it entails …… just like the word love. Healing is ongoing. I love katie’s comment about Steve being around another 40 years! (Even with a neck brace.) God is always revealing His ways and His thoughts to us and our battles bring us to a place of seeking His plan for victory! It always comes down to trust and faith doesn’t it? Thanks for being so theological and practical all at once, Bo!

    • Susan, I like the comparison to love…something we’ll only catch a glimpse of this side of eternity, but we often think we’ve figured it out in its entirety. One thing we know for sure: miracles are happening in and through Steve – even if they look different than we thought they would look.

  11. I have wrestled with this question a lot through the years as I watched one person receive healing and another not. It has been a mystery that at times has stolen my ability to approach God in faith for healing. My perfectionist nature wants to understand completely and do everything correctly so I won’t be disappointed with the results. But, after much wrestling, I have come to a place of resting in God as the Healer regardless of whether He heals in the situation I am asking for or not.
    Approaching Him based on who He is and not what He does has restored my faith to ask boldly for God to heal. I can’t predict His response, but like you said I have come to trust His goodness. I often imagine myself approaching God like my 2 year old daughter who believes so much in my love for her that she asks often and repetitively for her heart’s desire. She doesn’t always get it, but she does A LOT. Because she knows me and she gets her role in my heart, she doesn’t back down very easy regardless of whether I just said, “No” a few minutes prior.

    Still praying and believing for Steve’s complete healing,

  12. My mother died at age 47 in a car accident and as a shocked, 25 year old, I needed to go say goodbye to her physical body. As I stood there looking at what was not the picture of my beautiful mother, I heard, that if you love me with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, you will accept my good and perfect will. Was it Gods will that my mother died? No! It was an accident, but in that moment my faith was solidified. Because I knew that I must accept come what may and that I would not budge in my belief. I am standing in line, contending, for your miracle and, like you, don’t know if I’ll get to the front. I do know, I will not waver or move from where I stand. Be strong and courageous friends.

  13. I suppose if there were no “I don’t know”s then we wouldn’t really need faith. My best friend died of a rare cancer at age 21, and I spent so long trying to understand what happened. He had a huge community of believers praying for his healing 24/7. I have encountered close relatives who believe that God ALWAYS heals our physical ailments if we have enough faith, and to encounter that belief was damaging for me… it placed a blame on us humans that I couldn’t reconcile with God’s nature and my understanding that HE is our sustenance and from Him comes life. I simply can’t believe that the healing of one of His children would come down to whether or not they believed hard enough that it would happen. Jesus told many who were healed that their faith had made them whole, but he never accused anyone who remained sick of simply not having ENOUGH faith. It reminds me of the man who was lowered through the ceiling by his friends- the main issue to Jesus wasn’t physical healing. He had compassion for suffering, but I think the stripes he received were intended for a more eternal healing.

    So sorry to get ranty! This topic is just one that is so close to my heart. As God has brought me through my own journey of healing, I have come to essentially the same conclusion as you, Bo. I simply don’t know why some are healed and others sicken and die. I do, however, find a lot of comfort in redefining “healing” to include our life beyond this earth. And if I look at it that way, Brad was healed far beyond our expectations, for he’s with Jesus and now he will never catch so much as a common cold ever again.

    • Oh, Sharayah – ‘ranty’ is my middle name! Thanks so much for sharing. It’s close to my heart too.

  14. What I learned from my mom’s passing is that while we always look for God’s healing in this life, maybe His plan is to heal them in the next life. Ultimately, in graduating to Heaven, we are all healed… Maybe that’s the only way full healing can be achieved, this world is too broken to always be healed here….

  15. Oh, I love this post. As I approach my 32nd birthday I have been thinking a lot about what I anticipated my life would look like at this point. Suffice it to say, single mom of 3 kids teaching special ed WASN’T the plan. Since the day my life changed so drastically 4 years ago, one thing that hasn’t been hard is trusting God’s plan. In a season of my life where there are so many decisions to make and so many things to figure out, all of which rest completely on my shoulders, I am so comforted knowing that God promised that His plan is good. Like you said, I dont really want to spend any more energy trying to connect the dots or figure out why or when, I just want to trust that He has a plan for my life and rejoice in the fact that for once, I don’t have to! I feel like the “good part” of the story is His little secret treasure that he’s holding onto- something for me to look forward to and to keep plugging away for. So, I am just going to unwaveringly believe that His promise is good, even though it doesn’t feel good all of the time. This life is hard, but it’s good!

    • Yes, Kim! I am also looking for the “good part” of the story – and it makes me excited to know that it exists, it was written by Him and it cannot be stopped. I know that His plan for you and your beautiful kids is so good.

  16. I love my husband’s testimony on this aspect of life. Trey lost his mom when he was 13, about to be an 8th grader at High Desert. When he speaks about that time in his life there is absolutely no trace of bitterness or anger directed at God in his heart or speech. What Trey does speak about is how the body of Christ came around he and his family during a time of crisis and really became the healing hands of Jesus to his broken heart. He speaks of men and women, including his parents, whose faith-filled prayers sunk so deeply into the soil of his heart and are now producing great fruit of faith in our lives. I never had the opportunity to meet Conya, his mother, myself, but I thank God for her role in my husband’s life and her continuing influence upon those who did have the privilege of knowing her. Like those who have commented before I have no idea why one is healed and another is not, but I am thankful for the opportunity to know the One who does understand that mystery and lives us unconditionally. I am also thankful to be among the community of people who respond to His love with that aforementioned commitment of unconditional trust. Trey and I are standing with you, trusting God in faith for Steve’s complete healing. We love you guys.

  17. Bo,
    Gary and I have been really thinking about you two and praying for Steve, especially. We work with a healing evangelist and there is not a service that passes that the miraculous does not happen. The lame walk, the blind see, the deaf hear and hearts are healed. And yet, there are those who still sick and some perish.
    Much like you, I have decided it is a sovereign call by God, else it is a work of the flesh…my works. Can I work up enough faith, what if I don’t and what if someone else does have enough faith? Is that fair? Faith is given by God so that no man should boast. So, we have what we have and God, the ulitmate Father, makes up the difference. Of course, that does not excuse us from continuing to grow our faith through the fiery trials and blind trust in Him.
    Thing is, He has a plan and we look through a glass dimly then face to face. I am utterly convinced that we cannot figure God out or why He does what He does and I believe He likes it that way…it makes Him God.
    It is not about how much we fast, pray, tithe, scream, shout or anything we do…in the end; we trust Him and that is where the peace is.
    Peace to you all!
    Debbie Vogel

    • Thank you so much, Debbie. I know you’ve never stopped praying for us. We’re so grateful for our brief intersection with your lovely lives. 🙂

  18. Yes! He does heal, and we are meant to expect nothing less! I say this as a person who has been beside her close friend when her 6 year old son left this world with cancer. I sat with my sister who decided to go off life support after 2 years with ALS. To many people these instances would be considered a failure in healing, but I have no doubt that God carried each of these loved ones into a healing beyond our understanding. He also heals our spirit in ways we never think are possible. Faith and hope are how we get this kind of healing. (my go-to verses: Romans 8:18, Philippians 4:13)

    • Sarah, I love the idea of a “healing beyond our understanding.” Since so much of God is beyond my understanding, that makes sense to me.

  19. Oh, dearest Bo. This is one thing that I have struggled with most in my life. After loosing my Mom, I didn’t doubt Him because God showed His absolute goodness, and love during that season, but there have been moments when I’ve asked “Why me? Why my Mom?” But all I know is not why, but that He is still good and forever faithful and that He has received all the glory for who my Mom was because of Him through her.

    • Yep, Taylor – your mom’s life is a beautiful reflection of His grace – and you are a beautiful reflection of her. 🙂

  20. My son had a heart transplant a year ago….praise Jesue….but today he is rejecting the heart because the doctors had to lower the meds that were keeping the heart but also causing him to go into kidney failure. So as of today he is rejecting his heart and in kidney failure, but does God heal, yes He does. I don’t know how He is going to work this out and what the journey looks like but I know He is there and working. God hasn’t changed only our circumstances but He is still God. God loves the Stern family and also the Dumler family and He is working all things for His good. I can stand on that.

    Praying for the Sterns family and the walk they are on
    The Dumler Family

    • Lori! I have been meaning to email you to tell you that I have been keeping up with your updates and praying so much for your son. I think of your family many nights when I’m settling in and waiting on sleep – and I pray that God will do the miraculous. He is still God, yes. In this there is great comfort.

  21. I have the same comment as Melissa. I will never understand why God didn’t heal my mom here on earth…….but she is healed and dancing with Jesus!! That’s what gets me through day by day.

    Praying for strength for you my friend! 🙂

    • Amen Debbi! I only lost my mom less than 3 weeks ago after a liver cancer diagnosis only 28 short days before that. I still can’t wrap my brain around “why” but I know “who” is in control and that’s all we can rest on. Praise God for the amazing healing and restoration He has done for our amazing moms and all those who have and will join His glorious presence.

  22. Well girl you certainly got everyone going on this post! You know I attend the Vineyard Church and they have a theory they call “already…not yet”. Meaning that God’s presence is here on earth but since Satan is here too God does not get to demonstrate his full power. When Christ returns he will operate in his full power. I’m ok with that way of thinking which is why I can go to church there! (this of course is my translation of the doctorine which may be a bit rough since I’m really an artist in my real life!). I’d have to say my life experience is this…

    God does answer prayer. Sometimes the answer is no.

    Years ago when my daughter was so terribly ill our Pastor repeatedly asked me “Did you hear from God about her healing?” I always felt stupid saying the truth…”no”. Because I had never heard God answer this prayer despite our prayers and many, many others. Our daughter Kelsey passed away when she was three. Fast forward 12 years and my only remaining son becomes horribly ill. I mean so ill the Doctors at Mayo were not sure he would survive. At this time while hearing a doctor speak negative words over my son I HEARD God. “Whose report do you believe?” To which my answer was “I will believe the report of the LORD.” My son suffered horribly for YEARS and then God opened doors that only HE can. My son is 21, married, heathly, going to college and HAPPY LOVING JESUS!!!!!

    For me it goes like this…
    sometimes the answer is NO.
    sometimes the answer is YES.
    Since sometimes the gates of hell are thrown back and God shows up…..I’m going to keep asking!!!!!!

    You just never know when you will get a YES!!!!!!

  23. Amen to all your words and thoughts Bo! Throughout my life I have struggled sometimes with the questions that you brought up and essential, “where is God when things are so unfair and seem so wrong/evil”. In my short 36 years, my bio father was an alcoholic and even after my parents divorced when I was 5, he still did his best to scare the wits out of my sister, my mom and I, I have lost a fiance in a car accident at the age of 22, my mother suffered from an addiction to pain medication and ended up in a coma partly because of her addiction (btw she is healthy now), I lost my first child to a heart defect and other issues, my husband was almost killed in a snowmobile accident, we found out my step father was a closet alcoholic for two years (healthy now also), and the list goes on………… I say all of this only to more importantly say that even through all of this, just like you described, I keep hanging on to what I know about God and his love for us. I continue to sing his praises and thank him for all the things he has blessed me with. I choose FAITH. Faith that he is in this, Faith that it will all work out according to his plan, Faith that I am not walking alone in this, and I choose to continue to teach people about his glory. I believe that because of my suffering I have been given the opportunity to minister to others. Wow! I’m not sure where that all came from but that was my reply to your post. Great post by the way! : )

    • Thanks for sharing that, Rachel – I have loved watching you bounce back from so many heartaches with so much faith. You are a lovely example of His goodness at work.

  24. At the depths of my grief I asked God why did he not heal Gray. His answer was hard to hear at times but God did not forsake me. He brought me closer to Him and through my faith even though weak at times— he brought me through the sadness, the lonliness and the heart ache. He has answered so many of my prayers that I am awestruk at His glory in my life. He has certainly outperformed my expectations on what my life would be after Gray’s passing. I prayed for and received a blessing, Bo, that I will share with you in a more private post at another time. I can just say: God is good all the time. All the time God is good.

    • Kathy – this is such an encouraging and hopeful thing you’ve written – so excited to hear what God is doing in your life!

  25. I love this Bo. I have had so many people ask me the same thing, I think it is a questions that we all wonder about, some argue about it, some debate it, but I stand exactly where you do Bo and have, I look to what I do know about God and His character and that is enough for me.

  26. As usual Bo, you nailed it. People often ask Linda and I why we smile so much. I just tell them it’s easy when you know that you know that you know. Not saying we don’t have our down days but, wed be living in those valleys without the security of knowledge you so eloquently outlined in your piece.

    One of my favorite quotes is from one of my favorite musicians, Ray Charles, who said: “There’s nothing written in the Bible, Old or New testament, that says, ”If you believe in Me, you ain’t going to have no troubles.”

    Be blessed,


    • John – I’ve never heard that Ray Charles quote – I love it! And I love you and Linda and am so thankful that we can all stand on the battleground of ALS without being shaken internally or eternally. You two are such a gift to us.

  27. Powerful insights Bo. I have been asking myself many of the same questions since God placed His healing hand on my hip a couple of years ago. I was diagnosed with Avascular necrosis of my right hip joint – just means that there was no blood supply to the ball of the hip joint and the bone was dying, causing a lot of pain and putting me on crutches to get around. The doctors told me it was irreversible and I would need an artificial hip replacement in a few months. But God healed my hip, and even the non-believing doctor said it was a miracle. I keep asking the question of why? Why should I get this miracle when much more deserving brothers and sisters around me suffer? Why doesn’t every believer have their prayers answered the way they want, the dying child live, the divorced couple reunite, and the family restored? I don’t have the answer. But I know that His infinite capacity of love and grace for all of His children is enough.

  28. One of the many things that my dad taught me through his journey with ALS is that God does heal ~ always. It may be spiritual healing that he brings to some, it may be physical healing here on Earth, and for some healing by bringing them home to Him. This helped me tremendously during our time with this disease. Although we didn’t get the healing to stay here on Earth for him, our family did rec’v spiritual healing for each one of us and my dad rec’vd the greatest healing of all ~ eternal life in the presence of Christ.

    • Leanna – I love that your dad is healed and whole now, and I also love that it has made you a compassionate fighter for others with ALS. You are doing great work!

  29. I also subscribe to this blog Girlfriends in God, I thought this was so fitting to the topic here. I hope you don’t mind my posting it here. My father died from cancer. I have always felt guilty that I didn’t pray enough. Bo, you don’t personally know me. I did meet you almost a year ago at the City Center church retreat and I have been following your blog ever since. My prayers are continous for you and your family.

    Disappointment with God
    Part 1
    Sharon Jaynes

    Today’s Truth

    All the ways of the LORD are loving and faithful, (Psalm 25:10 NIV).

    Friend to Friend

    I sat on the floor playing a card game with my young son. It was shaping up to be one of the best summers ever. Steven was savoring every minute of the long hot days, our Golden Retriever, Ginger, had delivered seven adorable puppies, and after years of negative pregnancy tests and doctor visits, I had a new life growing in my womb.

    In the middle of enjoying the moment with Steven, I felt a warm, sticky sensation that made my world stand still. A trip to the bathroom confirmed my greatest fear.

    Later that day, as I sat in the doctor’s office listening to his condolences for the loss of this much-prayed-for child, all I could think of was God, how could you?

    I drove home. Climbed into bed. Pulled the covers over my empty womb and my empty heart and cried. I was mad at God. If this is how You love me, then forget it. I gave God the silent treatment as if I could somehow pay Him back.

    God and I had a lover’s quarrel that summer. Actually, I was the only one arguing. I was mad. I was hurt. I felt betrayed by the One who was supposed to love me most. But He stayed right by my side, waiting, wooing, and eventually drawing my broken heart back so that He could heal it once again. His passionate pursuit and relentless romance continued.

    Even though I was mad at God, I knew in the deepest parts of me, that He did love me and that He was somehow going to use all this pain for good—but I sure didn’t like it.

    Ann Voskamp, in her book One Thousand Gifts, wrote: “I wonder…if the rent in the canvas of our life’s backdrop, the losses that puncture our world, our own emptiness, might actually become places to see. To see through to God.” This was a see-through place, but until I opened my eyes, I would not see God.

    Could it be that the puncture wounds in the canvas of your life—the losses, the disappointments, the crushing blows—might actually become the rent places of the soul through which you can see God? Through which you can peer beyond your earthly trappings into glory moments beyond? Through which you can see His light bursting through the openings? I believe they could be.

    How do we allow life’s difficulties to become see-through places? How do we begin to see moments of sudden glory burst through the puncture holes in the black backdrop of our greatest disappointments and pain?

    Join me tomorrow as we look at this tough question together. For now, ponder today’s truth: “All the ways of the LORD are loving and faithful.”

    Let’s Pray

    God, I’ll admit, sometimes I get mad at You. Sometimes I am disappointed. Please forgive me. I know You always have my best interest in mind. Even in tragedy I trust You. As David said in Psalm 25:10, “All the ways of the LORD are loving and faithful,” whether I understand them or not.

    Trusting You,


  30. Bo, I accidentally put my comment to this post on the Recappin’ post. sorry about that. 🙂

  31. Thank you. We’ve been walking through several things that are difficult for us, even though they are not terminal. It comes with daily feelings of panic, daily difficulties, relentless discouragement, a lot of wonderings. Even so, I’m grateful for what they aren’t. But I’ve asked those same questions.

    My husband always says to me, “All healing is temporary.” We all pass to the next world through death. Salvation is our true healing. It can be hard to walk sometimes. I know I’ve become a better person, but some days I feel like I’d trade my “less better” self for an easier time. No, I wouldn’t, but I think about it. I remember an old friend of many people here, Karen Creasey, saying, “If we all threw our lives into a pile in between us to trade – we’d still take our own back out. They were designed for us.” I do believe that.

    I really love that song by the Gettys, “When Trials Come”. And Selah’s “Unredeemed”. Those can really strengthen me through the time of no physical healing, but I guess God gives a whole lot of emotional, soul healing through pain.

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