1.  iPad.  The first gift of my 45th year – I ended up selling it and getting New Blackie, but I love that Steve surprised me with such a wonderful gift.

2. The absolute truth that all kinds of storms hit all sorts of houses, but the one on the Rock stands firm.

3.  A fresh, firm Manifesto.

4. New friends.  And old ones.

5.  A new cause.

6.  A Christmas gift from God.

7.  Joy in sorrow.

8-15.  Delicious dinners from my neighbor, Corinne.

16 -21 Unexpected trips to Portland with Steve.  Sweet time in the car, fun times talking.

22.  Sting rays.

23.  Many incredible moments in hospital waiting rooms – alone, but totally not alone.

24.  An awesome coffee cup from Tess.

25.  Road trip to the National Parks.  Woo!

26.  A week away.

27.  A fresh appreciation for marriage.

28.  A great, big beautiful party.

29.  A happy, happy announcement.

30.  An office FILLED with fun on my anniversary.

31.  The chance to raise $20,000 for a community we knew nothing about just one year ago.

32.  Yellow tulips and countless gifts like them.

33.  The best spring-cleaning team in the history of EVER.

34.  The awareness that He’s already been to year 46.

35.  A fantastic discovery.

36.  The restoration of my love of fall.

37.  Jewelry that preaches to me.

38.  Three tickets to the Colts game (not for me, but it sure was a gift to me!)

39.  The discovery of the perfect secret ingredient for my chicken curry.

40.  A little bit o’ truth from Harry Potter.

41.  Friends who listen.

42.  The simmering down of my neighbor’s dogs. (glory!)

43.  A new sense of gratitude for every day, every breath, every word.

44.  The songs, “Never Once”, Beautiful Things and “One Thing Remains”

45.  His Word holding steady when everything else fell apart.  Without a doubt, the greatest gift I’ve ever been given.


Thank you, 45, you’ve been good to me.  And thank you, little blog, for holding the good, hard, rough, rugged, winsome and wonderful memories of a year like no other.  Sometimes you get to the end of a difficult year and it’s exciting to see it go since logic would hold that the next one has to be better.  I don’t have that particular assurance this time, but what I do know is that the next year will be good like this one has been good.  God will do His best work and we will remain in awe and wonder that we get to be a part of it.

And thank you for being a part of our journey.  We couldn’t do it without you.

Really, really grateful,



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