This spring? She is full. Really full.
This weekend, I’m traveling just a few miles down the road to speak at a retreat for the women of City Center Church. Oh, I love this church and these ladies and I’m so excited to be with them! Next week is The Well – a conference hosted by Elliot here in Bend and featuring the amazing worship band, Leeland (not too late to sign up for this one and it’s for anyone who loves worship, not just those who lead worship.) Can’t wait to speak at this one! After that, a conference in Nebraska, then I’ll meet Steve in Washington DC for a week of ALS Advocacy. After that a couple more things and then a meeting with my publisher in Colorado Springs and then…silence. Blessed summer silence. I’ve intentionally kept my summer nearly wide open, with lots of room for deck-sitting and book-reading and kid-loving.
I’m excited about the events coming up, but this morning I can’t stop thinking about summer, and all the books that are lined up like soldiers, waiting to be read.
Into the Free, by Julie Cantrell. I love novels but I do a lot of reading for my job and I don’t have time for much non-fiction. But this one has been getting great reviews and Kindle sucked me in with a fantastic one-day-only deal (I think I paid $2.99), and I’m ready to get going on it.
The Scarlet Cord, by Jon and Ann Dunagan. Jon and Ann are great friends of ours and they have dedicated their wholes lives to global missions. I got this book last week and as I thumbed through it I knew: it’s a classic. It brings missions into the here-and-now and, more than that, into the possible. The Dunagans live in a world where everyone is called to missions and nothing is impossible.
Erasing Hell, by Francis Chan. All of Chan’s books were free on Easter (he also wrote the wildly popular Crazy Love and Forgotten God). This one is a rebuttal to Rob Bell’s book, Love Wins, which I read last year. So – dueling viewpoints of very intelligent men? That’s a good way to spend a summer day.
Guttenberg the Geek, by Jeff Jarvis. Seriously, SO excited about this one. My friend, Nita, messaged me about this one day because she said it reminded her of me (could there be a better friend?) I love the story of Guttenberg (the inventor of the printing press) and I can’t wait to read this .99 steal of a deal.
Write Good or Die, by Scott Nicholson. This one is a collection of essays on the craft of writing. Sometimes I think I like reading about writing more than I like reading about anything else, and I’m pretty certain I like reading about writing more than I actually like writing. So, there’s that. This one’s free on Kindle, so there’s also that.
Surprised by Hope, N.T. Wright. My niece bought this book for me months ago and at first I started to rush through it but I soon discovered that it’s not for rushing. It’s a book to be absorbed and processed and experienced. I love N.T. Wright (he’s British so I like to try to read his stuff by hearing his accent in my head) and this especially right for my season.
The Dressmaker, by Kate Alcott. This one might not get to wait until summer. Alcott did meticulous research about a real fashion designer who survived the sinking of the Titanic in a lifeboat that contained only 12 people (rumor has it she paid the crew members not to go back for others). The history is rich, the writing brilliant and the characters are fascinating.
So, that’s how my summer’s looking. What’s on your reading list?
Well Write Good or Die is definitely added to my list! I agree that read of writing is much more fun than actually writing. Blerg. I have been saving the book you got me for Christmas, Falling Together by Marissa de los Santos for summer and I can’t wait to read that! Summer is also when I give myself permission to read something really light and girly and just-for-fun. Other than that I’ll be trying to fill my plate with as many knights in shining armor as possible to keep my own writing spirits high. If you come across any intriguing titles let me know!
Also, tell me what you think of The Dressmaker. Sounds fantastic!
Bo, thanks so much for referencing our new book, The Scarlet Cord, and for your kind words (especially that word, “classic.” We are praying for fruit . . . that remains.)
Btw, Christi and I have both recently read Francis Chan’s Erasing Hell and we’ve been referring to it over and overit is outstanding and impacting. Although the subject matter is tough and very sobering, it is easy to understand and filled with compassion. I highly recommend it.
Oh! totally reading that Dressmaker one! And Gutenberg. And writings about writing. What a fabulous list. I haven’t yet given my summer any permission to be summer at all…until just now. Maybe I will like the summer slow down after all. Thanks! (sigh)
Hi Bo:
I was at City Center’s women’s retreat this weekend and I had the honor of hearing you speak. I want you to know you changed my perspective on the way I view things in my life. I loved the two days that we got to hear you speak and your story as forever touched me!! I especially loved letting go of what our picture looked like for our life. My life has been touched deeply by you and forever changed!! Bless you sister and may God bless you and your family. Love Kelly
Love the list! You have several great titles on there. Let me know what you think of Gutenberg and Into the Free I just finished both of those. After some commentaries and NT Wright stuff they were a nice swit h up 🙂