Well, here we are at the end of April.  Does it seem like time is flying especially, uncomfortably fast?  We are trying to capture many moments…but sometimes our hands get full and sloppy and we forget to focus.


I’ve been reading Ann Voskamp’s blog for a long time, but I only recently noticed her Joy Dare.  It’s very fun and challenging and since I’m a little pressed for both time and joy right now, I decided that for the rest of April I’m going to blog her joy dare daily and see how it goes.  I think it’ll be good for me and also – it would be good for you!  Why don’t you show up here every day and add your three things to the JOY list?  It will be good for ALL of us!

Today’s joy dare was pretty easy for me….but also sort of hard.


April 24:  Three Gifts Fragile.


  • My grandson, Greyson.  He is fragile and this is as it should be.  All things bright.  All things new.  All things perfect with this one, tiny, unstoppable miracle of a boy.  He is fragile, but he is life.


  • My sweet husband, Steve.   As this disease moves through, it marks his body with cruel depletion.  After he eats, everything is more difficult and he needs to spend some time with the AVAP machine, letting it do the big work of breathing.  His arms shake with the effort when he raises his hands in worship.  Yes, he is fragile…but he would also be on my list of Strongest Things, so there’s that.  Only God can bring superhuman strength from ravaging weakness.  Only God.


  • Spring.  It feels so fresh but fleeting.  In central Oregon, it’s wispy and thin.  It seems that at any moment the beautiful balance of warm sun and cool breeze could be bullied out by a sudden snow storm or scorching heat.  Something about its fragility makes it all the more winsome and worthy.  This year especially, I’m so thankful for spring.


So how about you, friend?  What are Three Gifts Fragile that bring you great joy?  I truly can’t wait to hear!




  1. Let me see… three things fragile.

    1. The hearts of my children. I pray for God to protect them. They were raised to feel for others, therefore they really feel.

    2. The shells of the spring eggs we’ve been gathering. My husband broke 2 this weekend while gently cleaning them. Apparently they need more calcium? Protein?

    3. Myself as I sat with a new friend this weekend at a ladies retreat. The speaker shared how to experience the joy of the Lord while her husband is preparing to meet Jesus. Debbie’s (new friend) husband too has been called.

    Thank you dear ‘speaker’ for your inspired message of hope, and for the time you took that made all the difference to a woman who wasn’t facing her reality. The reality of the illness nor the reality of her need for the Lord.

    Add me to the list of prayer warriors on their knees for your husband and the Lord’s glory that shines from your bright message.

    Blessings, Debbie (the other)

  2. Lori Greenstone

    Place- I’m thankful for this new home- Central Oregon- I’ve always wanted to live somewhere like this; and I’m reminded this world is not our home- we have sooo much more to look forward to.

    Space- in which to grow and breathe and be who I am created to be; I’m thankful for family and friends who allow me that space, who give and find love and acceptance within the boundaries God has set for us; Yeah, we have a delightful inheritance (Ps. 16)

    Time- God has given us all we need for life and godliness, including time to worship him- thankful for the gift of time

  3. Thankfulness has changed my heart in deep and meaningful ways. This busy season I’m in seems like a GREAT time to stop and be thankful!

    Traveling makes me thankful for a safe home, and a clean bed! Life makes me thankful for a husband who is my best friend and biggest cheerleader. Wonder makes me thankful for a patient and forgiving God who lets me try again and each time I ask for a “redo” I get one!

  4. my love dare journal for today…
    -my sweet 4 year old boys cancer free pathology report
    -my dear friends miracle baby born heathy
    -veggietales… the silly songs that I hear so often they torment my dreams.

    • Vanessa – I credit “Oh, Where is My Hairbrush” with magical powers to turn a day around. LOVE Veggie Tales!

  5. Three fragile gifts….
    1) Time…my husband leaves in the summer for a six month deployment for/with Uncle Sam. Trying to make as many of our ordinary (read school and work) days between now and then EXTRAORDINARY.

    2) the heart/innocence of my beautiful 7th grade daughter. She continues to refrain from the crass and “grown up” talk of the kids around her at her middle school lunch table, and she knows it is the right thing to do, but she admits to feeling lonely and a bit out of place. Every single day. and I pray that God strengthens her resolve to shine for him.

    3) a secret longing/hope I have with regard to an issue with weight. That’s pretty fragile. But I have made progress and the set backs are not nearly what they used to be.

  6. Three things fragile. Hmmm…

    My students’ hearts. I haven’t been very thankful for them lately. It’s time to see them in a new light of tenderness and care.

    Memory. In the midst of life being ravaged by Alzheimer, ALL memories, (but I’d have to say the small, tender ones especially), move WAY up on the thankful list.

    Me. This is a hard one to admit. Fragile? Me? Makes me want to slap myself back into my adult ‘reality.’ But the truth is, Jesus sees me as fragile and weak and helpless. And, honestly, from His arms is SUCH a better place for viewing all things fragile and true. Even, and especially, me.


    • Jane – I love your thoughts as always. I feel a bit fragile myself right now, but also stronger than I’ve ever been because I’ve been reduced to Jesus. Weird. But right.

      • “I’ve been reduced to Jesus.” Love it…. because it’s not really a ‘reduction’ is it? It’s that wonderfully frustrating upside down, inside out, backwards in reverse reality of God that always messes with my equilibrium in an exciting rollercoastery way.

  7. 1. Amelia
    2. Her coming sister
    3. Work to do for not only my family, but our extended family. Life is hard, we have been crushed, but God IS faithful!

  8. 1. Friendships-yes they are fragile and can be broken if not cared for properly.
    2. Memories-forgotten if the time to remember is not made. (the hustle and bustle of life leaves little time to file the memory somewhere safe)
    3. Life-make the most of every moment because it could end without notice.

  9. Susan from Nebraska

    Grandkids – they make me fragile! Didn’t know they could take my heart like they do.
    Old friends – love refreshing and renewing those relationships in the “now”!
    Brothers – Since I am their sister I guess I never realized how precious they really are to me …… until just recently! And how proud I am of them …… especially they youngest brother!