I love 47 because:

It’s old enough to know that life is short, but young enough to really enjoy what’s left.

It’s old enough to not be a slave to fashion, but young enough to still wear sassy boots.

It’s old enough to not have an opinion about everything, but young enough to be taken seriously when I do.

It’s old enough to have some time to myself, but young enough to be able to fill that time with purposeful pursuits.

It’s wise, but still impetuous.

Established, but still flexible.

Smart, but still learning.

Old, but still young.

I mostly love 47 because I’m old enough now to know that I either let a number rule how I feel in the worst sort of way or I pan for gold and find something sparkly and shiny to enjoy on my birthday.

Therefore, I say:  I love 47!


  1. Yee-haw!

  2. Well if you find something that sparkels a much as your eyes and smile. It will be amazing.
    Have a blesssed day.

  3. Happy Birthday Bo!
    I Like your thinking. I cried on my 36th birthday with no idea why.

  4. Being 47 was way better than being 52! At least you can say you’re “almost 50” without it being right there looming around the corner. You can just see it on the horizon in the far distance. I love your list, though. I think that can apply to almost any age in this 40-60 something range. Thanks for the insight! And happy birthday to you lovely lady. I hope your birthday wish comes true.

  5. I just turned 57….and feel the exact same way…. : )

  6. Hallmark should hire you to write their birthday cards. That is the most inspiring birthday message I have ever heard… you make me want to be 47!!! 😉 Happy Birthday! Hope it is the best ever.

  7. I thoroughly agree with the feelings about aging. I’m about to hit the big 50 and am actually looking forward to it..