So, okay…enough with the tear-dabbing, hanky-waving posts ’round these parts.

What I need to do today is not going to be moving or meaningful, but I feel that it IS essential to a truth-filled holiday.   Every year around this time, my best friend Pam and I have the same discussion in which Pam bemoans the size of Mitzi Gaynor’s waist in White Christmas.  This is my cue to remind her – carefully and with loads of compassion (her memory’s failing her in her older years.  Shhhh.)  that Mitzi Gaynor wasn’t in White Christmas.  Vera-Ellen is in White Christmas.

Today, however,  I noticed that a few people landed on my blog by way of the search term “Mitzi Gaynor in White Christmas” (because of this post)  So, I knew then that Pam is neither crazy nor alone in this star-swap.  I searched Ms. Gaynor and – holy bombshell! – it’s an easy mistake to make.




Mitzi’s on the right and Vera’s on the left.  Both blonde.  Both gorgeous.  Both famous.  Only one, however, is known for her skeletal frame and non-existent waistline in White Christmas.  Vera-Ellen.  And I love her and every single dress she wears in that wonderful movie.

Matter?  Settled.

Dreaming of a Danny Kaye Christmas,







  1. Beautiful, yes; but they remind me of Barbie…18″ waists mean they have cinched their belts so tight that they’ve squeezed the brains right out of their head. That’s my opinion, but I think if you look hard enough in Wikipedia, you can probably find some kind of a citation for this scientific stuff.


  2. I’m so glad you love this movie! I have been caught by the splendor of this musical since before I can remember. I usually end up having the same conversation about Vera-Ellen’s waistline and/or crazy legs each year with someone! Haha! Here’s to dancing, singing, counting your blessings and dreaming of a white Christmas!

  3. I always wanted to be Rosemary Clooney in that movie. Her dance steps weren’t that hard and she was a bit more chubby than Vera-Ellen. She got to play opposite Bing Crosby and came to her senses at the end. I think that sounds like a nice movie-life. =)

    • Haha! Oh, Teri – I love that whole entire comment. And I agree with every bit of it. Only, I’d want to be Rosemary Clooney who comes to her senses and steals Danny Kaye from her skinny sister. 🙂

  4. Oh Vera why must you vex me so? And we both know you’re being kind when you say it’s an age related issue as I was born with the memory of a less-than-lucid 93 year old. And also….it’s sad that I have to ask you every year what Vera’s name is. I always remember it’s not Mitzi but Vera? Seriously….that waist has “Mitzi” written all over it.

    And I’ll give a lollipop to the first person who can name ANY other movie Vera was in without googling it. 🙂

    • I know – poor Vera. Her waistline situation was not a good one and she later died of anorexia – it prevented her from doing other movies. I read that they had to make her special costumes for White Christmas to cover the rest of her frame…it’s amazing to see the difference in how she’s dressed and how beautiful Rosemary Clooney is dressed. It really is a sad story, but I still just love the movie and I LOVE her dancing!

      • Oops! Not her death prevented her from doing other movies (ha – though, I suppose it would) her sickness prevented her.

      • I tried to call my dad today to find out why I think Vera is Mitzi because I’m quite certain this mistake goes all the way back to my early childhood. Sadly, he didn’t answer. Also, I think he may be on to me as i tried to blame him last year.

        • Thanks for clearing this matter up! My sister and I have been arguing with my mother, who swears, even while looking at the credits, that Mitzi Gaynor is in this movie. She said (until looking at this blog) that someone got the credits wrong. 🙂