Psalm 23:1 The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack.


This, I believe, will be the theme of my week.  It will be my mantra and motto; my hope and strength.



There is nothing I lack.  Really, nothing?  Not hope, not money, not romance, not satisfaction, not joy, not purpose, not …anything?  It’s such a big statement that I’m not always sure what to do with it.  Put it up on a shelf where I don’t need to deal with the incongruities or stuff it into a small box of positive confession where my expectations are manipulated to make the promise seem true. 


I don’t think this is talking about never wanting anything more in life.  I think it’s talking about the much bigger issue of never letting what we lack make us feel Shepherdless.  I have some bleeding wounds right now and I would rather not have them, but I also have a Shepherd, so I lack nothing.  I would like to have our future fully dialed in and secure, but I have a Shepherd who feeds me day-by-day and so I lack nothing.  I would love for my husband to be healthy and strong, but we have a Shepherd, so we lack nothing we need to walk through this temporary, Shadowy valley.   All my wants, needs and secret dreams are valid, but they don’t have the power to make me feel alone, unloved or incomplete.


I have Him, so I am full.  I am led.  I am whole.  Anything added to that is beautiful, but not essential for my joy to overflow. 


With hope for a well-fed week,



  1. I liked this. I too have some bleeding wounds right now and lacking nothing was not what I was thinking earlier today. I get it now.

  2. Thanks, Bo. Good reminder when I’m feeling like I am lacking many things right now. In my battle with cancer it seems to attack on many fronts, not just the body. Emotions, finances, pain… Because of Him I have what is needed to battle which ever front may be on the attack today (all three today).
    PS- I think you will be at my church this week- New Heights. Of course, it’s for women so I won’t be there.

  3. Wow, the Holy Spirit led me to read this powerful Truth today. Thank you Bo.