1. Seven, glorious uninterrupted days to think, dream, plan, pray, write, talk to Steve and…eat a lot.  A lot.  One thing this week proved to me is that the weekend getaways we normally take really are not that relaxing or productive.  Most of our time is spent loading and unloading, packing and unpacking and so with a weekend vacation, you have to do all of the hard/frustrating stuff but there isn’t time to do much of the fun, restorative stuff.  Dear vacation paradigm: consider yourself shifted!
  2. This view:
  3. Four words:  Ann Taylor Loft Outlet.  It’s possible I visited three times.  It’s also possible that they now know me by name.
  4. This restaurant, which we tried on a whim and ended up returning to the very next day. The view is perhaps the most breathtaking I’ve ever seen through a restaurant window.  There are no bad seats in the house and the food was fantastic.  If you’re ever near Depoe Bay, give it a try.
  5. This guy.
  6. This house.
  7. And this one.
  8. Four days of rain.  I know that rain is bad for vacationing, but it’s really great for inspiration and so I loved it.
  9. Three days of sunshine.  Because balance is good.
  10. This dress.  Okay, I didn’t stay up late to watch the wedding like I did way back in Princess D’s day, but I did get up early to see pictures of the dress.  I was so happy she chose something so elegant and timeless.  Just beautiful.  I’m not exactly sure what all is involved in being royal, but I believe Kate will make a very fine princess indeed.
  11. This coffee. I was happily unplugged from social media for most of my trip…until I jumped into the fray in order to help promote Dutch Bros MDA Day.  What an awesome idea this is!  Bill and Carol Smith are friends of ours who own the Central Oregon Dutch Bros and she wrote to me right before we left town to tell me about this fundraiser in which the proceeds from the whole day’s sales, company-wide, go to the ALS research division of the Muscular Dystrophy Association.  Last year, they raised over $100,000 for the search for a cure.   I’m hoping that this year they blew the doors off of that number!  Thanks to all of you who put up with our badgering and bought yourself a coffee!  We surely do love you.
  12. Decisions.  I’ve experienced a lot in life, but I have never been married to a man fighting ALS before.  About two weeks ago, this fact hit me squarely in the gut and I realized:  I don’t know what the heck I’m doing!  I’m unqualified!  I want a recount!  Heh.  The point is, I needed this time at the beach to process and face some decisions about who I will be and how I walk this whole thing out.  I know not everyone would welcome this sort of thing, but I am not a “take it as it comes” sort of girl.  I need a plan.  So I loved having time to lay all the pieces and questions of my life out in front of Jesus and say, “Okay, Sir, what shall I do?”  For some questions, I got nearly immediate and inspired direction.  For others, I got the answer, “You should trust Me.  I’ll be there when you get there – we’ll cross the bridge together.”  There’s something about asking God questions in view of the ocean that He spoke into existence that makes me more certain His answers are always, always right.  I feel so much more peaceful and purposeful now.
  13. Discoveries.  Steve and I process things very differently.   This extended amount of time with just each other gave us the opportunity we needed to identify the unique perspectives we each have on our situation right now.  Neither of us is trying to change the other, it just really helps to understand how our distinct views on life impact the way we respond to trials and changes.  Let me be honest and say:  these discoveries are not always super easy because it’s generally a disagreement or miscommunication that brings them to the surface, but the result  of working through them is a fresh spirit of unity.  Though it’s not what we were looking for, it’s undoubtedly the most important thing we’re taking home from this week.  I am so grateful for the man I married…I cannot even begin to tell you.
  14. Dreams.  Amazing, how cutting away all the other obligations and activity of life can wake your heart up to brand new dreams.  I am so excited about the things that are just beginning to shuffle around inside my spirit.  New projects, new goals, new ideas….they were all living inside me, but silenced by the noise of the rest of my life.
  15. Fish and chips.  Because life is better when it’s dipped in beer batter and deep fried.


Tommorrow…we’re talking music and I’m giving away a lil somethin somethin.

So glad to be back,



  1. Every minute was great 🙂

  2. WELCOME BACK!! Loved this blog. Especially #13, “Neither of us is trying to change the other” LOVE that! #13 could be a book on marriage all on it’s own!

    Soo happy for you for your week.

    Welcome home! We love you!

    • love you so much and glad for the precious time you had. Because I grew up on the coast I have really had my fill of it but I know the deep feelings that can come from any time spent near the ocean. It just seems unfathomable..is that a word..anyway ..glad you are home safe.

  3. As always, so inspiring Bo. It’s nice to have you back, makes me feel so blessed to get to read all that inspired you and all that you learned…………….your an amazing woman. Thanks for sharing. Love you guys.

    • Thanks, Tami – and ABUNDANT thanks for all that you and your crew did to make our yard so beautiful. You are dear.


  5. Howard Converse

    Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you. You are in are prayers. Jesus never Fails. God has a plan for us all. He is our Rock. We can walk through the valley of shadow of death and fear no Evil. For He is with Us. There is such a Peace when you have him in your heart. God Bless you and your Family.

  6. Jane Williams

    Ahhh…. my twinkie fix. Glad you and your blog are back. Even more glad that the ocean treated you to its magic.

  7. Bo I am so blessed by you and your openess. I feel right there with you and Steve. How could we ever live without a God like ours that supplys ALL our needs. Hug each other for us.