I had a couple of things to tell you today.  Some exciting things about the book, some winners to announce and some random spinning facts that I wanted to get out of my brain and into yours (I know you’re feeling pretty lucky right about now, huh?)


However, my father-in-law, Paul Stern, passed away this morning.  He was the truest definition of “one-in-a-million”.  I’m thrilled for him to be home with the One that he loves and we’ve been praying for a few days that he would be able to escape his failing body and enjoy his real, new life, but I’m still feeling quiet.


Death is deep water because it makes you stop and look at your life and your purpose and the way that you love your world.   It calls to us to take inventory…to count up the days and people we’ve been given and make sure that we’re spending our minutes and muscles wisely.


So that’s what I’m going to do today.  In honor of his life and legacy, I’m going to take a long, sacred pause and remember why I’m here.


Join me?


“…so we do not grieve as those who have no hope.”  I Thessalonians 4:13

 Road Trip June 2011 033






  1. There appears to always be a desert between us and the promised land and how we handle that desert is like you mentioned, remembering why we are here. We appreciate the call upon you life.
    Bert and Liz

  2. We’ll join you in honoring him and his life with prayers. We’ll be praying for Steve and your family. Sending our love to you all <3

  3. My grandfather (mothers father) passed away this morning as well and my grandmother (fathers mother) exactly a week ago. What a beautiful reminder to stop for a moment to remember and reflect on our own lives. Blessings to you and your family. This was just what I needed to help get through this day

  4. Dear Bo and Steve and family,

    I’m so glad I stopped over here today. What a life with and for God’s glory Paul Stern lived. A life SO well lived. Such an inspiration and an example, both in ministry and in family. We have been inspired by his legacy and will be praying for you during this time of saying goodbye and remembering special moments. We love you, dear Sterns.

  5. Steve and Bo……praying for you and your family today. But, rejoicing that Paul is now with Jesus. Take care…. <3

  6. Much love to and many prayers for the Sterns…

  7. Thinking of your entire family as you celebrate Mr. Stern’s life and come to grips with your loss. Praying for family to come together safely to love and support each other.

  8. May God bless you and Steve and your entire family. May His spirit wrap you in His comfort and in His joy. Our prayers and thoughts are with all of you.

  9. What a great way to celebrate life by just taking a pause and looking at all the good things the Lord has given us. I will be keeping you all in my hearts and am rejoicing that Paul is with our Saviour!