Maybe I’m crazy, but I think one of the biggest killers of romantic relationships is purposelessness. Seriously, if more couples would run their lives through the grid of Proverbs 29:18, we’d see so much more success. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but here are just a few of the dangerous couples I have been blessed to know:

Brent & Virginia Earwicker: They married with a passion for the nations and they refused to let it get swept under the rug of ordinary living. They sold a bunch of stuff, packed up the rest and moved to Uganda to extend the Kingdom. You can read about their exploits at Plead the Cause.

Stan & Ellen Mishler: My parents are not missionaries, and they aren’t in full-time ministry…but they have given their lives to being the spiritual parents to hundreds of people from an overwhelmingly orphaned generation. Their home and hearts are big enough for just about any problem or need and I admire them more than words could say. They have given the devil many a migraine in their 50 years of marriage.

Mel & Emily Mishler: My grandparents – both with Jesus now (so they don’t have a web site). Who in the world moves to the mission field at the age of 54? Crazy folks who are dangerously in love, that’s who.

Jon & Ann Dunagan: I love to watch these two go! Since the day I met them, I’ve been hearing stories of their outside-the-borders-of-all-good-sense faith. They have both preached the gospel to millions, Ann has written a book, they are the “parents” to many orphans and their seven children will undoubtedly change the world. Marriage has multiplied their effectiveness and has launched an unstoppable legacy.

My dear “deleted” cousins: I wrote about my cousin and her husband’s commitment to reach the Muslim world, but then I realized that the next mission they are planning is edgy enough that they probably would like for their names NOT to be splashed about on the worldwide web. However, I KNOW their names are being splashed all over heaven, and the Father is ready to roll out serious resources! These two – and their amazing kids -are dear to my heart and they will – I’m convinced – reach millions by the time the ledger of the T Tribe’s legacy is read.

And finally…

Paul & Eleanor Stern: Don’t let the sweet picture fool you – my husband’s parents are some of the most dangerous people I know.

They met in college and Paul asked Eleanor to marry him on their first date. That’s just a sliver of the faith the man possesses! They have given their lives to the people of Nigeria, Nairobi, Bulgaria, Budapest, Illinois – just to name a few. They prayed and worked and believed and planned for more than 40 years to build King’s Kids Village – an orphanage in Nairobi which is now the home to many precious children who will know Jesus and change their world. Paul and Eleanor’s faith is astounding, their love for Jesus humbling and their committment to encouraging others into a radical living is overwhelming to me. I’m blessed to share a name and a life with their dangerous son and so thankful to be a part of their legacy.


  1. Thanks Bo.

    And guess what? In my soon-to-be-released Mission-Minded Family book, I actually included two of your daring duos: awesome Brent & Virginia, and your precious in-laws, Paul & Eleanor. They’re some of my favorite real-lide “Mission-Minded” heroes.

  2. oops.

    real “life”

  3. and someday i want to be on this list…. or someones list!!!!!!

  4. Pingback:Bookmarks about Proverbs

  5. I went to Texas with Stan and Ellen in the early 60’s.
    I would love to get in touch with them. Could you please help.
    I am still in Texas and pastor a church in Weslaco.