As I mentioned Friday, we are living the dream this week, here at the beach which we love. We come here a couple of times a year to relax, have fun and be with Jesus because – as you know – Jesus lives MORE at the ocean than anywhere else (2 Theopholis 3:9)

Josiah loves the ocean too. This is about 22 seconds after our arrival. He approaches to give it a friendly greeting:

“Hello, Ocean! I have returned!”

And the great Pacific – not to be out-greeted – waves “hello” right back.

Happy Monday,


P.S. I’m pretty solidly entrenched in vacation mode. If you tire of picture of my kids and sand and long for something of meaning and significance, jump on over to Brent’s fantastic new blog, The Field Experience.


  1. So, my sneaky vacationing friend who started vacationing on Thursday afternoon, only to show up in Saturday morning’s paper, along with Joe and Tess, calmly perusing the Tour of Homes…in Bend…on Friday. Ha – so much for quietly staying in town whilst everyone thought you were at the beach! I laughed out loud when I saw the photo – you looked a bit like someone in the witness protection program. Love ya – have a great vacation – where are you really?

  2. I know – do you believe it? If ever there was someone who should NOT…UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES rob a bank or throw a surprise party, it’s me. 🙂 Pacific City!

    Lunching next week, my friend…lunching next week.
