God’s glory is on tour in the skies, God-craft on exhibit across the horizon. Madame Day holds classes every morning, Professor Night lectures each evening.

Their words aren’t heard, their voices aren’t recorded, but their silence fills the earth: unspoken truth is everywhere.

God makes a huge dome for the sun – a superdome! The morning sun’s a new husband leaping from his honeymoon bed, the daybreaking sun an athlete racing to the tape.

That’s how God’s Word vaults across the skies from sunrise to sunset, melting ice, scorching deserts, warming hearts to faith.

Every year we stay at a vacation home that is positioned to enjoy a front-row seat at a rock star sunset every single night. The first couple of nights it’s an amazing experience. We all gather at the window…take a million pictures…ooh, and ahh and worship God for this great gift. Night after night: same sunset – waning response. By the end of the week our general attitude is: Sunset? Seen it. I was thinking this morning as I looked through the pictures, how many times I overlook or undervalue the consistent gifts of God in my life. Every morning I wake up next to the best man I’ve ever known. I go to sleep – he’s still with me. In a world where mom’s are agonizing over kids gone astray, I am in love with five who are filled with hope, purpose, health and love for their world. Every day, I go to a job where I am paid to talk about God, in a country where I am free to do that job without fear. Hard to believe – given all this extravagant goodness – that I would ever worry or despair for even one minute over the price of gas. The covenant of the sunset reminds me of the outrageous gifts bursting through the seams of my life every day and every night. He is good. I am thankful.

Paying more attention,


One Comment

  1. bo-

    you. are. amazing.