He touched their eyes and said, “Become what you believe.” It happened. They saw. Matthew 9:29

Become what you believe. It’s a bigger sentence than the blind guys probably realized at the time. They came to Jesus with their biggest problem. They didn’t say: “Make us like You.” They said, “Help us to see.” Their problem got them into the presence of Jesus. It opened the door for an interesection. In fact, this chapter is filled with people who were pushed by problems into His arms. A man with demons, a woman who wouldn’t stop bleeding, a man who’s daughter just died, a paralyzed guy. It’s overall a pretty sorry lot that pursues Him. And all the while, those whose lives are together – the ones who are supposed to have the map to God – stand on the comfortable perimeter and miss Him completely.

But Jesus didn’t just speak to the problem. He moved them to the next level of relationship.

“Your faith has made you whole.”

“Your sins are forgiven.”

“Become what you believe.”

These miracle moments in our lives – the place where our desperation meets His mercy – are big wins. When we see Him in action, working in love toward us, it changes something inside of us if we’ll let it. It moves us toward His heart and His character and His way.

I feel like these guys today. Nearly blind with regard to the future – I can’t even see my own hand in front of my face. But I’m asking this morning not necessarily to see the future – I’m asking to become what I already believe. I believe that You are strong and steady and faithful. I believe that You will never let go of us. I believe that You are the Lord of the Church and of my life. I believe that You love the next generation passionately and extravagantly and You won’t stop pursuing them. I believe You are the Father to the fatherless. I believe that Your eyes can see what mine cannot and Your arm is plenty strong to save, protect, provide, bless and multiply. I believe that You ARE the rewarder of those who diligently seek You.

I believe.

Help me to become.


  1. Bo,

    You always seem to know what I am thinking or pondering. You know how to put it into words and bring it all together in my mind. Thank you so much for that!

  2. Thanks, sisto! You’re very wonderful. 🙂