I have two wonderful things for you this week.  One I love because it got my mind rolling in the direction of orphans and another I think is just really fun.

First, we have a new design in our Amani Shop for Social Justice and it’s totally rad! Do people still say “rad”?  I’m saying it.  It’s rad!  I love it because it’s mysterious and it’ll get people asking, “Why do you have that number on your shirt/apron/bib (if you’re one of the lucky babies wearing Amani this season).  Here’s what it looks like:

Cool, yes?  Yes!  And even MORE exciting news:  everyone who becomes an Amani partner in September and October (just ten bucks a month!) will find a fantastic Amani tote bag on their doorstep (or mail box) and that tote will be wearing this very graphic.  You can stuff your books and receipts and car keys and probably even a small pet in this bag and – while you’re at it – remind the world that there are 143 million reasons to care about the orphan crisis.

Secondly, this video.  Oh my…such a great song.  Such a great video.  Such a great moment when I first saw it.  Even if  you’ve watched it a thousand times, do yourself a favor and watch it again today for the first time.

That’ll do for Tuesday.

So many blessings,



  1. um…Still waiting for the Morning Drive by mug…and I’m not really that Obsessive Compulsive about things(well kinda…)but my favorite coffee mug broke and I need a new one:) So I’m saving my pennies in anticipation of doing my ‘morning drive’ with a 143,000,000 taggin along every day!

  2. sign me up for a shirt!!!!!! and a bib… i’ll save it in my HOPE box =)

    i’m so excited for you(and whit and all who are helping) Such a God sized idea and vision!!! i love that he shares them with us. totally RAD!

  3. This is Christ’s all-time favorite music video, and she had me watch it with her several times over the summer. I agree, it’s really well done and moving. And it’s awesome to see a young and successful woman using her talents for a purpose beyond herself.

    I’m excited to see you soon!

  4. OOPS!!

    I meant to say, “Christi’s” all-time favorite music video.

    Which reminds me (lol) of a time when Christi had typed a worship list for our home life group. She accidentally wrote, “In Christi alone I put my trust . . . ” When the group got to that part of the song, we all started laughing.

    Oh, may we put our trust in JESUS alone!!! And may our favorite things be the things that move HIS heart!!!

  5. So funny! You know, it actually may BE Christ’s favorite…I wonder if He has a Top Twenty in Heaven list. 🙂