So, last year – after MUCH longing, whining, weeping and angst –   I got one of these for my birthday:

This year, Tess got me something ELSE I’ve been begging for:

It’s the best book ever on the subject of cakes-from-scratch .  They’re not the cutesy princessy birthday cakes covered in dots of frosting…they’re  eat-til-you-cry, flavor-filled works of genius.  I love to bake birthday cakes and I love my mixer and I love Tess for remembering how much I love these two things.

Now all I need is a someone to have a birthday!  I might also need a case of Slim Fast and a vigorous exercise regimen, but that’s another story.

Economy? Boo!  Hazelnut Spice Sponge Cake with Italian Meringue Buttercream? Yay!

Send me the Slim Fast,



  1. I really want the top picture in red…one day…you could celebrate Caleb’s birthday which is tomorrow…hooray for 5!

    Just wanted you to know that I am praying for you and Nancie as you speak this weekend…I am so bummed that I can’t go with Cher…but not all healed yet…but I am confident that you will speak…which really means that He will speak…

    Actually to some…cake would be considered a pause and consider that moment…enjoy…your cake and eating it too!

  2. its not my birthday.. and wont be for a very long time.. but anytime you want to make cakes just to “try things out”.. i’m your gal. unless they’re vanilla.. i tend to think vanilla is a waste of space.

  3. Helen – I hope your recovery is going well. Thanks so much for praying – I think it’s going to be a blast!

    Kristin – totally agree on vanilla. And this cookbook calls for simmering the vanilla bean in the pod and then scraping it out and – wow – that’s a whole lot of work to end up with….vanilla.

  4. Happy Birthday Bo! I’m not much for sweets, but if you can figure out something with chips and salsa… 😉

  5. my birthday is Monday the 29th, but I can’t eat flour which pretty much sucks because I like cake, most of the time now I just eat the frosting.

  6. Bre – this is perfect because I only like cake and NOT frosting! 🙂

  7. A woman after my own heart! Oh how i love cooking… in any capacity! One of these days we will have to have that dinner party 🙂

  8. Thanks, Jess! I would love that…especially if we can power up the ol’ Kitchen Aid!