Dear Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Butter,

You are wonderful.

You are good on toast and biscuits and I would imagine (but wouldn’t know personally of course) you are good when licked straight off the lid.  You are handsome and funny and have an excellent personality.  You are kindhearted and – at $2.29 – a pretty cheap date.

In conclusion,  would you like to take our relationship to the next level?  Our cupboards are clear, our old jams and jellies are gone forever – please move in with us.

I anxiously await your reply,



  1. Ode to Pumpkin Butter

    Oh Trader Joes Pumpkin Butter,
    on toast, cracker or straight from the lid,
    You rocked my world with the very first taste,
    And now into my home, you I do bid.

    It’s out with the old,
    and in with the new,
    I cleaned cupboards and fridge
    to make room for just you.

    You tickle my tongue,
    and bring warmth to my tum,
    From the very first moment,
    It was one big yum.

    OK, I digress…but I laughed (a much needed one) and I am ridiculous! (We must be related…)

  2. Wow…I was just there yesterday and came home with two boxes of their yummy pumpkin bread/muffin mix…my family is crazy about it…

    Yet another reason to make a return visit…

    Oh…you beat me to using this theme!

  3. Hi Bo!

    I see that today’s blog is one to add to the combo of “mouse in the house” and “blenders for birthdays” –lol. I’m actually stopping by for some serious heart-wrenching orphan info. I’ve got my first Mission-Minded Family radio interview this Thursday morning, and I wanted to know if you could help me out a bit. At the Selah conference at George Fox you rattled off a string of compelling orphan facts. In addition to the 143,000,000 number . . . like how this number is estimated to increase in the next 10 years, and a few others. I think you said them without notes, and I know that these facts are more than numbers to you.

    And isn’t it so amazing that God can smile on us as we’re enjoying a spoonful of pumpkin butter one moment . . . and preaching about the huge needs of missions in the next.

    I love you for ALL of who you are.


    P.S. It’s funny to me how God chooses to bless each of us in unique ways that bring us specific delight. The other day, a minister from West Africa was at our church and someone arranged a gift basket for him. As this preacher expressed his thanks, he went on-and-on about how absolutely delicious these particular coconut coookies were; and it turned out that the lady arranging his basket had felt specifially “led” by the Lord to include those. For me, nothing with either pumpkin or coconut has every brought me delight. For my taste buds, God knows I’d rather savor some delectible fresh-caught salmon . . . or for a desert, perhaps a few choice morsels of lindt dark chocolate.

  4. Anne – amazing. Simply amazing poetry and I can see we’re related because nothing brings out the poetry in me like food. 🙂

    Helen – I saw that pumpkin bread mix – right next to the butter! Please let me know if it’s good. I also might need a little accountability here because I don’t know if I can be trusted with both the bread and the butter.

    Ann (with no E.) I stayed up reading your book last night and I marveled again at all that God has done in and through you – and also that you’re my friend. It’s so good and so well-written and clearly such a labor of love and obedience. I’ll send you the main sources that I use for stastistics. One of the big ones is the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child which is a 100+ page document that is rich with information, but not exactly beach reading, you know? Anyway – I’ll shoot links your way. Oh, also: I used to LOVE coconut until I drank a coconut latte while I was pregnant with Tess and…the end.

  5. Thanks Bo. A blue morning and I wandered over to see what was new on your blog (do I have a new addiction?) and sure enough you raised my spirits. Of course I’ve added pumpkin butter to my shopping list.

    I’ve just returned from college visits in Spokane where of course the issue of orphan girls hit home as I watched young coeds in designer clothes sipping mochas….yakking on I phones…I hope my daughter catches the passion and decides to lead her dorm floor in supporting this cause next year. If she doesn’t, well I will just have to go after the moms!

    Thanks for your wit and wisdom, and for being so real.

  6. I wish you could’ve seen how much that post made me laugh!

  7. Just think…sprinkle a little nutmeg on that butter and you almost have a pumpkin pie:)

  8. Let me handle this, mom, you go on about your day.

    Attention any and all: Nutmeg is–in the eyes of my mother–both unholy and a disgrace to all honorable society. While we do not doubt your good intentions, we would ask that the thing be excluded from all comments without exception.

    Thank you for your cooperation,
    Bo Inc.

  9. Actually, with regard to the aforementioned spice, you should totally doubt Tracy’s good intentions. With regard to orphans and Jesus and other important things, she’s totally good-intentioned…but with regard to nutmeg? No. She’s a crafty one, that Hamaker! (Also, Tracy – Josiah is working on your challenge, but seriously stumbling over Deuteronomy… I’m trying hard not to laugh hysterically every time and give him a complex…but it’s so funny.)

  10. LoL…so funny…as for the books of the bible…’DeuterOMONy’ and Lubiticus are very difficult to pronounce…and even funnier when Abby turned ‘Joshua Judges Ruth’ into ‘Joshua talks mean to Ruth’ rather than the books of the bible it is now a sentance. Kids…Love em! They are much better than nutmeg!

  11. Please see my letter of confession concerning Nutmeg…
    God Bless you all!

  12. Dear Tracy,

    We accept your (lovely) confession and offer full absolution and restoration into our good graces. We will henceforth cease and desist from calling you Scary Spice.


    Bo, et al.

  13. Pingback:I dare you to be mad at fall « Bo Stern