1. please sign me up to be a “table person”!!!! i talked to Whitney last night at emerge… make sure i’m on a list to be somewhere…and let me know when and where to be!!!!!

  2. OK, so I have to comment on the video….you are hilarious! I so want to try this, don’t you! I know you could do it!!!! I just sat her an laughed until I almost peed! LOL could you imagine:) funny funny…I won’t forget about stuffed, not sure how I can help yet but I’ll be in touch. love ya!

  3. Okay Tracy…when you get back in town we’ll have to give it a go! I’ll search for the big rubber bands and you bring the marshmallows!! 🙂 I hope you’re having an amazing time.

  4. Please, please, please let me too, be involved in all the wonderful gloriousity that is ‘Stuffed’! I have been talking about and planning around this event ever since I knew it was going to happen, but I am just now realizing that I never let you or Whit know about my already committed plans.

    So here is my official request; sit me at a booth, make me pack the dinner baskets, I’ll even dress up in a humiliating turkey costume and gobble real loud so as to direct people to the table… just please let me help!


  5. You know, Steph, I’m not really sure. We’ve had a lot of applications for the turkey costume gig and there are some we feel are maybe more qualified than you. There’s just a certain something to their “gobble”…a passion, perhaps, that we feel is still a growth point for you. We’ll get back to you when something becomes available. Perhaps an elf or the easter bunny operation will be more suited to your talents.

    Okay, done with the silliness. Yeah, I’m pretty sure you’re already-commitment was already-assumed by us, but thanks for making it official…Whit will get back to you on the when, where and what. Yay! Love you!

    (the sad part about all of this is that now I really am thinking: what if we DID have a turkey costume? 🙂 )

  6. Which is crazier, that I actually picked up a phone and called a costume shop on Wed about a turkey, or that they did not wish to donate it????

  7. Ummm, great minds think alike??


    Let’s just say that if someone does, by chance, have a ridiculous turkey costume, it’s fully the Lord saying that we MUST use the Turkey!

    While visions of turkeys dance in my head,

  8. ooohhh I’ll do the turkey costume too…with a rubber band around my nose trying to grab the 2 bucks out of peoples hands!!!

  9. You ladies are quite a creative think tank, I tell you. And all of these ideas would definitely bring people to the tables…or repel them…but we wouldn’t be ignored!

  10. Pingback:Woo-hoo! STUFFED Update « Bo Stern