Those of you who check in with my blog regularly, know that I have been positively immersed in an effort to deconstruct a teeny little word: joy.  My desire to figure it out, chase it down and make it my own has been challenging, exciting and transforming.  Without any reservation I can say that I will never be the same.

Though it began as a purely personal project, as I studied and prayed (and frankly, did a lot of crying for a study on joy), I began to discover some stuff that was impossible to keep inside.  I found myself preaching to my sisters, my daughters, innocent folks at the grocery store and – certainly, my own dear Steve has patiently listened to way more words than he ever signed up for.  It just kept bubbling out of me!   Since I was already slated to teach the spring session at our ladies bible study at Westside, I felt like it was the perfect time to dive head-first into developing  The Joy Project into a six-week journey that we could all take together.

Well, it’s almost complete and I’m nearly bursting with anticipation to teach this study!  It will begin on April 7 at Westside Church and will run through May 12.  During that time, we’ll look at six principles that are absolutely essential – non-negotiable in fact – if we want to live a life of unshakable and authentic joy.  I’ll be teaching both the morning and evening sessions (the same study repeated both sessions) and we’ll also be filming it for some other churches and ladies’ groups that want to wrestle  this big little word into their lives in a greater way.

This project has been immense and consuming  and has felt much like a pregnancy.  I would covet your prayers for a joyful delivery (and a cute baby!) Also, if you’re at all interested in attending, I’d be tickled pink to see you there.  I think you’ll soon find all the information you need for registration at

I’m hopeful that when things get rolling in April, I will have more time to devote to this little blog, because I truly love the community of friends I have found here.

With Multiplied Joy,



  1. Wish I lived closer! I’ll have to listen to the podcast or something. 🙂

  2. Sounds awesome. An evening class you say?

  3. I’m with Jessica – maybe get it to this “little blog” or something.

  4. Hmm…I’m remembering you asking me to proof some things and suddenly panic is entering my heart as I wonder if I’ve totally and completely flaked out on you!!!!!

  5. Fear not, Katie…I’m just a teensy bit behind schedule. I’ll still be knocking on your door!

    Jess & Susan: Yes, I AM hoping to have at least one session on the blog.

    Annie: Yep – evening class! I’d LOVE it if you could come – but I know how precious the evenings are with family so no pressure.

  6. Bo,

    I have been “tuning into” your blog for a few weeks now and first of all let me say that I LOVE your writing! I am really excited about your Joy study and will plan on being there in the evenings. Thanks for being such an encouragement and blessing in my life.

  7. I am so jealous that I do not live nearby so that I could participate. Congratulations on your birth…it’s going to be a joyful delivery (and cute!). I am thrilled for you. I know it’s been so much work for you…good…but still work. 🙂

  8. Hi Bo!!!

    I’m so proud of you. (I just wish I lived closer, so I could go to your class!!! . . . although I know we’re right where we’re supposed to be). But I look forward to seeing how you’re going to be sharing this class with others (like me!!!!).

    By the way, we just launched a brand-new Harvest Ministry website, and I’ve got some ideas in the works too, to equip families to be more effective for eternity.

    And all of you in the Bend/Central Oregon area . . . don’t miss this opportunity you have . . . go for me.

    Love you!

  9. Need this. WANT this! You’d think w/ “Joy” as my middle name I’d have a handle on this. Ummmmm…middle name as given place to mid-life & I need a kick in the behind in this arena! Please let me know how to access the recording. I’ll put a group together here in my little cornfield & tell them all: This is my beloved friend, Bo…listen to her! I’ve been asked to speak @ a MOPS gathering & maybe I’ll let YOU speak instead, via DVD. 🙂

    Hugs to you — xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!

  10. Bo,
    I heard you at Selah and I was wondering how to order the Joy Project bible study/video?
    I cannot find it online.

  11. Hi Connie,

    Yep, you can go to and order it there!

    Let me know if you have any trouble with the site…it’s still in development. You can email me at

