OH man, here I am again – I really do exist.  I live and breathe and sometimes even type on my rusty old lap top or my shiny new iPad (thanks, family!).  I just don’t do it very consistently right now.

I wanted to share something with you that has been helping me get through a rough season in my life.  Truth.  Recently I woke up with these amazing truths just circling around and around in my mind.  They are the statements that remind me that I am blessed beyond all good sense, that I am covered and safe and – most importantly – that I am intimately loved by God.  I read these truths out loud every time I feel anxious or frustrated or discouraged and it’s been good, good medicine for me.  And I absolutely read them out loud every night before I go to sleep.  I encourage you to write up a page of declarations and just take a look at how much truth you own:

The I Have’s of Bo

I have salvation. In Him, I have redemption (deliverance and salvation) through His blood, forgiveness according to the riches and generosity of His gracious favor. Eph. 1:7

I have a beautiful and eternal inheritance.

I have a spirit of love, power and safe, disciplined thinking so I will not fear.

I have a healthy understanding of His Word, of truth and of His love for me. I can use this to create order, rest and power in my internal and external world.

I have a mind that is being renewed and transformed by the power of Christ.

I have a healthy, whole physical body.

I have relationships that bring joy, safety, unity and wholeness to my life. Our joined love for Jesus and for one another creates a powerful force for wellness and security in my spirit, soul and body. (I listed every single person here and I say them by name, even though it takes some time) If one can put a thousand to flight, then surely all these friends can help us rout a multitude.

I have access to joy. In the seasons, in laughter, in worship, in conversations, in hope, in love and in relationships. I also have sorrow because of the great joy that I have been given. Sorrow serves as the reminder that God has blessed me abundantly with things I want to hold onto forever and it also points my focus back to heaven, where all blessing is mine to keep.

I have a lot to share. He has helped me to store up good treasure and out of my innermost being can come rivers of living water…to help, to heal and to build up.

I have the Kingdom of God which contains at its core, righteousness, peace and joy. (Romans 14:17)

The I Am’s of Bo:

I am chosen BY God: In HIs love He actually picked me out for Himself as His own in Christ before the foundation of the world, that I would be consecrated and set apart for Him…before Him in love. Eph. 1:4

I am bought with a price. His own blood gained my life as His prize. His own blood makes me worthy to be not just His servant, but His dear daughter.

I am not my own. Sometimes I think I know best how to make life feel right…but the one who owns me, knows me. He plans my future and orchestrates the moments of each day, and the good and not-good things that fall into the day to cause me to become more beautiful, more possible and more like His son.

I am safe in His keeping. My mind is safe. My soul is safe. My dreams are safe. My hope is safe.

The I Will’s of Bo:

I will drink deeply from the river of Life. I will lower my buckets into the well of salvation and bring up some sparkling, healing joy.

I will set my mind on things above and not on things of this earth.
As I set my mind on His Spirit, I will be filled with life and peace.

I will trust Him to perfectly and brilliantly care for the people I love the most. I will let Him shoulder the government in their lives without trying to usurp, worry or get in His way.  When I am burdened for them, I will cast my cares on Him because He cares for us all better than we could ever care for each other.

I will not fear. Though the earth should change and though the mountains be shaken into the midst of the seas, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling and tumult. There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most high (I will think at HIS altitude).

I will not be moved. God is in the midst of me – I shall not be moved. God will help me right early at the dawn of the morning. (Psalm 46)

I will sleep sweetly in His presence. The Lord my God is with me, He is mighty to save. He rejoices over me with singing, He will quiet me with His love. The angel of the Lord camps around me, to give me peace.

I will love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul, mind, strength, song, joy and vision. And I will love the Lord my God through all my sorrow, pain, wishing, wondering and frustration.

I will let His love restore my soul.

I will meet HIm at the table prepared for me in the presence of my enemies and I will enjoy His company there.

I will establish myself in righteousness (rightness, in conformity with God’s will and order): I will be far from oppression or destruction, for I will not fear, and from terror, for it will not come near me. (Isa. 54:10)

I will never be more or less secure than I am right now because He does not change and He does not let go.


  1. This is beautiful. Thanks for continually being a picture of beauty rising from ashes. You are paving the way for a generation to follow you through life’s difficult seasons right into the place of rest in the Presence of God.

  2. Dear DEAR Bo,

    I’ve been a bit out of touch lately, with SOOOO much going on in our family life and ministry . . . but WOW!!!!! I saw a link to your intro to this blog (on my facebook newsfeed — what a blessing), and came right over to see what God’s been up to in your life.

    Bo, you’re such a “real” and very awesome woman of God!!! I’m so encouraged by your declarations (and your heart and your gift of communication), and even by the fact that, when your thoughts aren’t lining up, you’ve got a SPECIFIC PLAN and THOUGHT-FOCUS to reel them back in, into TRUTH and what’s really REAL.

    As soon as I press REPLY, I’m going to print this out and put it with my Bible.

    Blessings to you my dear friend!!!

  3. Bo, you have no idea how encouraging these thought and certainties are at this very moment. Thanks, Lizzi

  4. YOU are the REAL DEAL girlfriend! If you don’t mind, I’m going to hold on to your skirt of faith for the ride. I promise to flap my wings really hard so as not to be a drag on your plight! (Some say I have no angel wings, what do THEY know! HA!)

    Love you friend, and I am forever inspired by your depth and width of faith in such crazy times. BIG ole’ hugs!

  5. Pingback:Circling the Citadel « Bo Stern

  6. Thanks for the great insight, Bo- you’ve inspired “the next generation” more than you know. We’ve defined our core values (thanks for the idea from the pulpit) and now I’m seeing how to face hardship with heart in hand and outstretched to God. Well done!

  7. Pingback:Betwixt and Between « Bo Stern