Sometime in late summer, on a day that – for reasons I no longer remember – was not going well, Tess and I went shopping.  Shopping with Tess is one of my favorite escape routes from tough times because that girl is a fun time, I tell you.  I remember that the leaves were just starting to turn and our city was moving into my favorite season, and yet I was struggling to enjoy it because of whatever else was bothering me on that day.  I think maybe it even crossed my mind, “If only my issue was resolved, I could embrace the beauty of this season without reservation.”  We went into a little store that we rarely ever visit, and there it was…something so profound and perfect in its simplicity, that I nearly cried standing right there in the middle of the kitchen aisle.  Maybe this sounds crazy, but it was like God had sent His Word (three words, actually) straight to me  on a rough day when He knew I needed reminding.  I loved it.  I wanted it.  And I told my daughter as such.

Well, summer became fall and fall became…hard.  Hard in ways that have eclipsed whatever was bothering me on that silly little day and blocked it from my memory.  I forgot about he problem and I forgot about the Word from God and I forgot about the object of my affection which had so spoken to me in that shop.

Until Christmas eve.  When I opened this.

My gift from Tess.  I cried big, real tears and silently promised God that I would.  And I will.  Because life is too short to miss the beauty in every single moment.

The question for you today is:  did any Christmas gift make you cry tears of joy…or tears of “why me, God?”   We’d love to hear about it!


  1. Bo:

    This Christmas I stood on that line between joy and pain, strength and brokeness. There were moments I laughed and many I cried. At one point I simply told God I couldn’t take it. His response, “There is grace for this.” So I picked myself off the floor, wiped my tears and repeated ( at least 194 times) “There is grace for this”. Did I feel grace instantly? No. But deep inside, that knowing, that stillness tells me Grace is there.

  2. Tears always come to me on Christmas or any other time when I am so Blessed by my children and grandchildren and getting to spend time together and that we all enjoy each other and have a lots of fun and laughs.. I am always amazed at how He shows me how we all continue to grow and be Blessed by each other !!! But I do love the mug and its reminder!! thank you Tess!

  3. My Mom gave me a scarf my Grandma made in the 50’s. My Grandma is the reason we moved to Bend. I was very close to her. She made the decision to follow Jesus then died a few months later, at 92 years old. I miss her and that scarf is a little piece if her. I cried right there in front of all 13 people.

  4. The moment I looked around and realized that God had redeemed absolutely EVERYTHING that was lost. Not one thing was the same! All different and all because we have a God that KNOWS the plans He has for us and we have a God that works it ALL together. No matter what the ALL is!

  5. julie Winklebleck

    Yes indeed. 15 years ago my Mother in law gave me a little plaque for my wall that was so mean that I wondered if she would ever really like me. The plaque said, ” I clean every other day….this is NOT the other day.” O.k. I was mad, hurt, and promptly threw it in the trash. I never told her how it hurt me. Fast forward 15 years and alot of praying that God would turn the ashes of our relationship into beauty and THIS year I got a present that was labeled, “to the most faithful woman I know”. Inside was a plaque that said, “For nothing is impossible with God.” luke 1:37!! I am glad to say that she actually does like me now! 🙂

  6. Bo,

    I love this! Thanks!