Well, this is a big week for Team Stern. Tomorrow we go back to Portland for the final diagnosis after more than four months on this bridge. Goliath looms large in front of us and we have only these two words in our arsenal: but God. In God’s economy, however,  two tiny words = five smooth stones.  Take a look at the raw power contained in these weapons of war: 

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” Gen 50:20

But God will redeem my life from the grave…Psalm 49:15

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Psalm 73:26

“…they took Him down from the tree and laid Him in a tomb. But God raised Him from the dead…” Acts 13:29-30

So,we are facing a big appointment and a big giant, but we’ve got some heavy artillery at-the-ready and our determined purpose is to separate his sorry head from his stupid shoulders. Please believe that no matter what the diagnosis, this goal will not change and we will not be shaken.

Small and frail…but for God,



  1. Grace to you all, Team Stern!

  2. Susan from Nebraska

    Remember….you are not alone!!!

  3. With you now and ever after at the throne of grace.

  4. Confidently believing in the grace of God alongside of you! “But God” are mighty, powerful words. They are words I want to live by and we are continually praying them over your lives as you face Goliath. “If God is for us, who can be against us?”

    Love you all!
    Danny and Jamie and a whole prayer community in Idaho

  5. ” Be still my heart” So still that it beats only with the same beat of my heavenly Father. Quite i sit with my ears open to hear your voice. Holding us together in your arms. Covered and protected by the blood of Jesus. In the desert you bring us water, in the storm you are in control of the whell and take us threw safely. At the thorn we lay our all. We claim your compassion an loving hands upon us.

    God’s blessings and favor on you both today and for ever.

    Hugs! <3

  6. The thing about “tomorrows” is that we can’t see them. They loom so large in our mind’s vision.
    But the one thing I do know is that God is already in your tomorrow with whatever you will need for that given day.

    And that Jesus is the same yesterday, TODAY and forever.

    Praying for peace as you go about your today approaching tomorrow.

    Thanks for modeling how waiting on the Lord should look like.

  7. We are believing BIG for your team. 🙂

  8. Stern family, I am continuing my fasting and seeking as I stand on the other principal discussed here in the article below. I stand in the gap of your heart and body’s need and hold your arms up.
    I read this today after reading your blog, and it seemed to be fitting with synergy just what you are proclaiming and standing on Bo.

    from Tim Geddart -read the whole article here.


    I once thought Romans 8:28 was about “all things working out” and am now persuaded it is about “God working in all situations.”

    Romans 8:28 We were called by God; we love God; and thus we join God’s work in the world. God is working to bring about good, and we are God’s fellow-workers. God’s good purposes will often come about in terrible situations, not because someone “sat back and trusted God’s promise” but because someone “joined God’s work in the world; became God’s hands and feet; became a tangible expression of God’s love and God’s caring.” If we are, then ever more people will learn that nothing can separate them from God’s love (see the context of Romans 8:28!) Wherever and whenever they feel separated from God’s love, God is sending co-workers; God is sending us, to assure them in concrete and tangible ways that God still loves them.

  9. “but God. In God’s economy, however, two tiny words = five smooth stones. ”
    As I recall, it only took one stone.

    I did a search on “but God” in the bible. There are over 60.

    Using the stones requires us to participate; “but God” we wait for God to participate. I really liked this one:
    Genesis 8:1
    But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the ark, and he sent a wind over the earth, and the waters receded.

  10. BUT GOD…that’s my life’s theme! What an adventure that is, no matter what the results you can be assured that God already knows and already cares and already has done what needs to be done! That’s whats so great about our God. Resting in His palm with you!

  11. Praying and believing our God knows what is up in your marvelous lives. He will be glorified. I am so blessed to watch you walk this out…your frailty makes His MIGHT stunning. Love you all so much.

  12. We think we know what’s best, BUT GOD sees the bigger picture.
    We think the future is uncertain, BUT GOD is already there.
    We think we can’t go on, BUT GOD gives strength.
    We think we are alone, BUT GOD shelters us under his wing.
    We think, BUT GOD knows. He stands in strong contrast to our weakness, never faltering, never fearful, never uncertain. He is God, and He’s got your back. Always.

    I love you, Team Stern. You are held closely in my heart, my thoughts, and my prayers.

  13. Thank you, dear friends. I have decided that I won’t write anymore – I’ll just read all the comments over and over. You guys are brilliant, witty and wise. Thank you a million.

  14. “But God” — no matter what — loves you.

  15. love you guys.

  16. Hey Team Stern!

    There is a whole other team on this side of the world lifting you – holding you – encircling you! And don’t forget what else David did when he faced Goliath……..he ran TOWARD the giant with his mouth open……never face the giant with your mouth closed! I sam 17: 11 – Saul and the Israelites were terrified and dismayed by the giants WORDS. David came BACK at them with WORDS. verse 45 – “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, who you have defiled. THIS day, the Lord will hand you over to me, and I’ll strike you down………and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel.” and vs 47, “for the battle is the Lord’s.” Amen – we are standing right behind you as you run toward that giant – just don’t do it with your mouth closed!! ALL OUR LOVE, Molly

  17. Dear Bo and Family, Today our family will be praying for your family. You have God’s protection and many, many prayers. Love to you all. the Wells, Crawmers & Blythes.

  18. Bo,

    “And the peace that passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Phlippians 4:7. Our hearts are heavy for your family today. I remember about a year ago when you visited me in the hospital and encouraged me with this verse. I’ve know it since I was just a little girl but the intensity of the muddy waters we were trudging through had stolen away my heart, my ability to feel pain or love were gone. We are praying for team Stern this week that God will keep your heat and mind protected and full of peace. May He hold your hearts today. Much love – The Crawmer Clan.