The number one question I am asked right now centers around a theme of how I am staying happy in hardship.  The obvious – and correct – answer is:  God is amazingly good and He gives supernatural peace.  But I’ve discovered that the process is a bit of dance in which He leads and I follow.  I’m glad I don’t have to lead, but I think that learning to follow has required one really big and very important decision, and this is it:

Psalm 100:4 Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and praise His name.

Psalm 100 is called the Psalm of Thanksgiving and it’s the Swiss Army knife in my survival kit.  I’m finding that if life is a race, then the lane that I’m called to run in is called Gratitude.  Staying in my lane is not always easy.  Nearly every day, I’m tempted to move into the Life Isn’t Fair lane or the Bitterness and Resentment lane or the Fear lane, but the Holy Spirit keeps whispering “stay in your lane.”

My lane is gratitude.

I’m so thankful for His hand in our lives. For our healthy, wonderful kids.  For such a great relationship with a great man for 26 years. For friends and family. For purpose.  For hope. For a country filled with clean air and water.  For love. For Food Network and Twinkies.

I have much to thank Him for, but sometimes the circumstances of my life scream at me to spend a little time licking my wounds and patting my own head. The determination to not veer off course into what if’s and why me’s requires some pretty serious muscle.  I can honestly say that it is one of the most difficult commitments I have ever made  – both spiritually and emotionally – but it is always, always worth it.  Why?  Because thanksgiving opens doors to His presence like nothing else.  It ushers us out onto a balcony with a panoramic view – a place where we can see our lives from His perspective.

So, I’m praying for you today.  That you will find a million reasons to thank Him and that He will add at least a million more to your list.  I’m praying that you will have the muscle you need to find Him faithful when it appears that everything is falling apart.   I’m praying for you…because I owe you.  Thank you for praying for me.




  1. Thanks for posting that — such clear imagery, well-worded statements that i needed to hear.

    thanks for praying! you are a blessing!

    appreciate you guys! praying many times a day for you all, God brings you to mind & heart often.

  2. I’m running right beside you in the same lane sister. You and your family are constantly in my prayers. God is always, always, always GOOD.

  3. Your words are so re-assuring !! Because when we are in that state of process and wanting to ask those questions that is right where the enemy wants us to camp.. I continue to lift up your family !!!

  4. Running; YES, right along with you!

    Sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving <3


  5. I guess this is the first time I have left a comment on your new site…had to enter my info…so hello!

    Just wondering if you have gotten your hands on Ann V’s new book…pretty powerful and right up your dwelling place of gratitude. I am reading it slowly as I don’t think I am deep enough to read it quickly but I don’t think it is intended to be sped through. Really rich thoughts on suffering and thanksgiving.

    I think over the years of walking different paths of suffering and I still travel some…that it is really a strange comfort to know that you are not alone…the “thing” might be different but there is a shared understanding. You can always tell who has walked into the depths…there is just a knowing that is like none other and I suppose that is a piece of the ministry of consolation that God allows us to share.

  6. Hi Bo~ I just wanted to let you know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. Although our experience is different with Ryan…we do know a little bit about what you are going through as there are so many similarities between Ryan and Steve’s condition. Please know our thoughts and prayers are with you all!!!

  7. I’m suddenly aware now, through your words, that there is a tangible inner courage to be had simply from knowing we are all running this Life race together. Yes, we’re all running in unique lanes as the seasons of our lives change. And yes, we all entering with unique strengths and weaknesses. Yet in all our uniquenesses we are one. One team. One coach. One goal. One hope. How cool is that?! Helping us to cheer each other on; Helping us to pick each other up; Helping us to simply run. What a privilege to run beside sisters and brothers from other mothers 🙂

    So thank you, Bo, for running ‘purposefully’ and “with determination.” Watching from my lane, I am learning so much. At the same time, I feel so humbled to be continually blessed by one who’s facing such heartache. May my small prayers be even a little bit of the blessing your life and words are to my spirit. And know, as I run my lane of ‘confidence and contentment’ I’ll be praising prayers your way.

  8. Such sweet wisdom! Thank you.