Things you discover when you spring clean with the idea of simplifying:

  • Empty vases should be re-filled with flowers and given away as quickly as possible; otherwise…they’re like rabbits.
  • Good things to invest in for a spring cleaning weekend:  hefty bags of all sizes, chocolate in many varieties and copious amounts of Ibuprofen.
  • Christmas decorations really are magical; they can escape the box you put them in on December 27 and forge a new home right next to the aluminum foil and/or bath towels.  It’s unsettling is what it is.
  • This learned from finding many old photographs and baby books:  my kids get cuter and cuter the farther back you go.  Steve and I? Not so much. Lesson #2:  why in the whole wide world do they let people as young as I was have babies?  The fact that they are all present and accounted for today is a testimony to God and Steve Stern.  The children thank both of you.
  • Steve has an ailment and the scientific name is: Can’tletgoofanythingitus.  Seriously, isn’t the wife supposed to be the sentimental saver-of-the-stuff?  Our roles are definitely reversed, causing many “interesting”… “discussions”.  Heh.  I secretly super duper like this about him.  I think it’s what made him keep me all these years.
  • The good people at Goodwill do not check the bags you bring to them so I suppose you could theoretically give them just about anything.
  • I can currently beat my son at H-O-R-S-E.   This has nothing to do with the weekend, but I thought it deserved to be said.
  • People who will drop their plans and spend the weekend cleaning someone else’s garage, doing their laundry and helping them through frequent emotional meltdowns, are surely going to the front of the Rewards line on judgement day.
  • People who cook an amazing dinner or brownies or muffins for those cleaning-people?  Same deal.

I don’t quite know what to say to the many people who gave time, energy and elbow grease to help us this weekend.  Thank you is so little but so big.  I am so little, but you made me feel so big.  So, thank you.  We are trusting Jesus to pay you back in spades.

Living la vida sparkling,



  1. Heather Sutter

    Sounds like a good weekend! My husband also likes to keep everything, while i like to toss =) It’s brought some interesting moments haha =)

  2. Wish we lived closer (so I could have helped) . . . But looking forward to seeing you soon, at cannon beach!

  3. Susan from Nebraska

    I so wish I lived closer too…..feeling a little helpless right now but so thankful for all the people who love you as much as I do!

    • I grew up in Cannon Beach..please don’t miss Ecola State Park. There is nothing in the world like it. It used to be larger but from time to time parts of it fall into the ocean so stay away from the edge!