Today I find myself on that uncertain-but-beautiful ground where I’m overflowing with words and yet I have none that seem to get the job done.   I think it’s commonly known as:  speechless.

Yesterday, I tossed a post out there,  hoping for twenty people to join Team Stern’s efforts to raise money for ALS patients and research in September.  I started promoting 123 days early so we could have plenty of time to get the word out and convince people that they want to give up part of a beautiful September Saturday (I love September in Central Oregon – if you’re not from Bend, you should vacation here and do the walk in September and I will make you dinner) to walk in support of people they may not even know.  We ended the day with nearly ONE HUNDRED team members and a solid understanding that we have the best friends, the best coworkers, the best family and the best church in the whole world.

Thank you, friends.  It doesn’t seem like enough to say.  Please know that while this fundraiser is not for our family, your response to our desire to bless ALS patients everywhere absolutely impacts our family and our hearts…more than we can say.

Yesterday, I talked with my sister about how odd this all still feels sometimes.  One year ago, I never would have dreamed that I would be so passionate about raising money for ALS research.  One year ago, I was still counting our future in terms of decades.  One year ago, maintaining perspective on our problems was a lot more automatic (“well, at least we have our health”.)  One year ago, Steve just had a rotator cuff injury and Lou Gehrig’s disease was unthinkable; the kind of thing that only happens to other people.

However, one year ago I had no idea how much we were loved.  Seriously….no idea.

Thank you.


Bo for Bo (Team Stern can thank you themselves!)

P.S.  You can sign up still…this very day.  Or tomorrow.  Or the next day, or any day after that until September 9!  We would really love to have you on the team.  ‘Nuff said (for now).




  1. Bo. Want to know one of the reasons why you are so incredibly loved by all of us? Because you consistently and unwaveringly, yet completely authentically, point all of us to the fact that a great, big, huge, awesome God loves US so incredibly much. Thank you. And, yes. You ARE loved. So much.

  2. You are very cute.

  3. How about considering “virtual” walkers, those who don’t live close enough to actually join the walk, or for any reason cannot walk 3 miles?
    With all the techies on Team Stern, you could videotape the walk itself and later post it online so virtual walkers would be able to share in the event.
    My heart tells me your 500 number is not a big enough goal.
    I am believing for over 1,000
    As Robert Kennedy often said:
    Some people see things as they are and ask “why?”
    I see things as they could be and ask, “why not?”

  4. We all hear about dieseases that plague others, but not too often do we find it in our back door. You of course find it closer than your back door. It has been through the journey that you have been so transparent with that it has brought the awareness to those in your circle and community. When I ran the Eugene half marathon in early May, I ran by a team of 3 that were supporting someone with ALS, in fact, one of the runners had ALS. It was a pretty phenomenal sight, and one I might not have given as much to had your story been so close.

  5. When I introduced myself to you last Sunday, and you told me you were setting a goal of 500 walkers, as the photographer for the walk, I’m thinking I’m going to need a different wide angle lens. With a start of 100 already, I know I am 🙂 It is going to be a blessing to have you joining the fight.

    • Thanks so much, friends! You are all wonderful. Buck, we’re so excited to get to know you better. Thank you for your encouragement.