In February I determined that I would do regular updates answering the question that I hear most often:  “How’s Steve doing?”  I’ve since discovered that it’s more effective and interesting to  let him answer it himself, so he will be doing a monthly guest post here specifically related to this crazy season in his life.   Here’s the update for June…tomorrow I’ll have some thoughts of my own to share on this same topic:


Whom have I in heaven but you, there is nothing on earth I desire more than you.  My heart and my flesh may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.  This passage out of Psalm 73 is a beautiful reminder that God is our strength in every minute, circumstance, decision, emergency and even in good times his strength is always available.

Welcome to June 2011, Steve Stern.” These words were clanging around my mind the other day.  Although it didn’t feel like June on that 50-degree day, the calendar was turning over to a new month.  May was a great month – birthdays for Victoria and Whitney and a trip California with my very good friend, Riley Cranston. No ordinary trip, God smiled on us with two  days straight out of the Chamber of Commerce brochures, while playing Pebble Beach Golf Links and  Monterey Country Club.  Riley and I were in the golf industry together in the 90’s and he and his family have been such a blessing to the Stern’s throughout the years.  To say we had a good time doesn’t begin to describe our trip – more like a God time.

I’m facing some new challenges physically and victories as well.  In early May I visited with my doctor in Portland and she reviewed my baseline strength tests from February.  Then we did them again and I scored at least one point higher in every test – victory!  My challenges come about every 4th to 5th day in a 7 day period with weakness and the unexpected flare ups of swallowing and eating issues.  I’m learning to deal with these as they come along and am so thankful for the good days.  In the tough days I remind myself – whom have I in heaven but you Lord.  It seems that simple reminder lifts up my head and I know that God is the strength of my life and my portion forever!  Through Him I can do all things, it’s His portion to us, not just a little portion of Jesus but all of Him.


  1. Susan from Nebraska

    Thanks for the honesty Steve. I have had such a burden to pray for you and it comes and goes also. Now I know why. Love you so much. Have Bo give you a huge hug from your sister. You are awesome!

  2. We love you brother.

  3. God continues to use your family in mighty ways. I love all of you and am always praying for you. May the good times always be God times!

  4. Barbara Bonacorsi

    Praying for you Steve! We appreciate your strength and know the Lord can do unexpeceted amazing miracles which we are praying for you!
    Love & Blessings from John and Barbara

  5. Steve,
    Many people suffer from many things and feel so alone in there suffering, I am thankful you have so many people and the Lord holding onto you. It is a great blessing to the community that you share all, it will help people way beyond your life time. Because it’s the Love you are sharing and as God’s Word says Love is the only thing that never dies. I would like to post your story at our, God Talk & Bread board, on Sundays if it’s O.K. with you. I know you have you moments, but we are blessed to never hear bitterness in your voice. Your are a blessing to our community. You and your family, are always in my families prayers. Please pray for HOHM, as we are moving forward determined to continue to serve the Lord, we have been in danger of being closed down. I knew when we started, God Talk & Bread at the store, this would come. We need help to continue to serve the people in CO. We are now reaching the 700 mark of lives that have come through our doors. Not counting the people we minister to through our store. If we allow it, God is so good and giving. Blessings on your day.

    • Hi Darlene, I know Steve would love for you to share his story in whatever way you would like. Please know we are praying for you and House of Hope…provision, direction, blessing on you, friend.

  6. The Berry Bunch

    We are so glad to hear about your victories and inspired by your strength and the strength of your family! May God continue to work in your life! Sending best wishes & prayers your way!
    The Berry’s