Day five finds the Stern family o’ campers at the Rafter J Bar J Ranch.  It’s a fantastic RV resort in the Black Hills mountains and it’s been such a fun time to rest and recoup from all that driving.  Truly, this vacation so far has been a really fun dream-come-true.  I’ll tell you more about that later on in our journey, but for now – here’s our day at the Rafter J.  We are clearly a wildly ambitious bunch, yes?

(This shot stirred the Oregonian in me.)



(Mere Chrisitianity.  I love when old theologians do my parenting for me.)


(39 Clues, book #6 – Joe brought four and we thought they’d last him the whole trip but, alas, we’re at the end of the run and on a mad hunt through mountain souvenir shops for book #7)


(He’s not with us – but we thought he’d look good in our blog.)



(Not even kidding – the kids asked for this to be dinner.)



The end.

Tomorrow?  Mt. Rushmore!   Heads of presidents!  On a mountain!


  1. AND/OR… heads of presidents on a necklace! 😉

  2. Loving following your vaca through pictures! “Camping” in a motor home is the best! ENJOY!