Corey’s birthday is July 13, so on July 12 we gathered for an early family birthday dinner.  We met at his favorite restaurant for behemoth plates of Mexican food and he opened fun presents.  The last gift he opened, however, was not a surprise for him – it was a surprise for us.

Life.  Is beautiful.

Somebody pinch me,

Grandma Bo


  1. I am so thrilled for all of you!!!! There is nothing like being a grandma. Rejoicing with you!

  2. YAY!!!!!!!!! Yay for babies!!!

  3. I already commented on your Facebook. But I felt it should be noted based on the picture…
    What are they going to do with those shoes if they have a girl?.. You can’t put those things on a girl in your family.. There is too much fashion prowess…
    Keep the receipt…. I’m just sayin’…

    • Haha, Kristin – we actually discussed this. Whitney said she’ll wear them with a skirt. 🙂

  4. YAY!!! Congratulations!!! Grandma BO!!!!!

  5. That is so exciting. From one grandma to another … your “spoiling” genes are preparing to kick into overdrive!! I am really happy for you and Steve and the whole Stern/Parnell family!! Congrats, Grandma Bo!

  6. Yeah! Awesome news!!! Big congrats to you Grandma. Time for a whole NEW beautiful world to open up for you and your precious tribe. Very, very happy for you guys!

  7. I can’t even believe this but I was just thinking TODAY how awesome it would be if Whitney and Corey were to have a baby! I am so so so happy for you! Congrats to everyone!


  9. Sharon Murray-Roberts

    How wonderful!!! Rejoicing in Deutschland for you all!!

  10. Sitting here while stopped at a train as I read this and crying tears of joy. Congrats Grandpa and Grandma Stern!

  11. You are gunna LOVE the Grandma gig. I just put my two cherubs down for night 3 of their annual week with Grandma and Grandpa. Already regretting that they will have to go home Sunday.
    Spoiling Grandkids rotton is the BEST! Something tells me you’re going to be REALLY good at this one! ha!
    Congratulations to you and Steve!

  12. Congratulations!!! Rejoicing with you!

  13. How exciting!! : ) congratulations!!!

  14. YAY!!! oh my goodness, what a fun way to break the surprise!! soooo happy for the stern and parnell family 🙂 🙂

  15. Oh, I’m so excited for your family. Grand kids are a wonderful blessing from God.

  16. Isn’t God just like that, to send you a bundle of hope just when your spirit is lagging!

    • Bo, ever read the bumper sticker, “If I had known Grandkids were so great, I would have had them first?

  17. YAHOOOOO!!! Soo excited for you, Bo! Somehow, in all our Nancy Drew / Barbie / dreaming about Prince Charming, first dates, weddings and babies conversations, I don’t recall EVER having a wistful conversation about, “Won’t it be fun when we’re GRANDMOTHERS???” but it — so — totally sounds amazing and more fun than we should get to have! Give my love to Whit and Corey — yeahhhhh!

  18. Heather Sutter

    YAY! Congrats to you all!

  19. Happy beyond words for the Stern/Parnell families!!!
    Love & blessings…
    Jill and the Wolfe pack

  20. Grandchildren ARE such a gift !!!! God is so good.. Congratulations to all of you …

  21. yup … Grandma Bo … has a nice ring to it! And Steve – Grandpa Steve? Or Papa? Oh – a whole new world, because of one more precious life, to embrace! Congrats!

  22. Congratulation to both The Parnells and the Sterns. Gma and Gpa life is amazing!

  23. from one Grandma to another – welcome! So happy for you guys!

  24. Congratulations to all of you. Being a grandparent it THE BEST!!!!

  25. Thanks for sharing the wonderous and exciting news!! I had a smile several times today when I thought about the goodness and timing of this sweet blessing from the Lord.

  26. I read this my first day back in the States…my heart could not be more full and completely stoked for your family. Our God is just so wonderful beyond searching out. Can’t wait to see you and congratulate you all in person. Love love love.

  27. Joy personified!
    Congratulations Bo!

  28. Being a Grandma myself brings me some of the greatest JOYS in life ~ you deserve Joy, Joy and more JOY

  29. Oh my!!!

    I am so very very very excited!!! The other day, I was talking with a young couple (who’ve been married about 4 years) about all the super blessings of godly couples having godly kids. I left there so inspired I was thinking, “You know, if this younger generation doesn’t start having kids soon, I’m just going to go and strategize with Jon about having some more ourselves!!!”

    With our newlyweds Josh & Anna, our newly engaged Christi & Trae, another romance, and more kids to catch the love-bug-fever, it probably won’t be forever until I’ll be donning a hat to match yours. Until then, I’m absolutely DELIGHTED and rejoicing with you. Oh, what incredible spiritual heritage that little one will have!!! WOOHOO!!!! I bet the angels were shouting louder than you & Steve!!!