I’m here to help!  I really am!

Recently, I went to the gas station I always go to in the car that I’ve had for about 4 months now.  For at least the 17th time, I pulled up next to the pump and told the very kind gas station guy, “I’m sorry – I hope I did this right…I can never remember what side the gas tank is on in this car.”  Truth-be-told, I can never remember which side the gas tank is on any car.  It’s an affliction.

Gas station guy: “It’s okay, Bonita.  You know you can just look at your fuel gauge, right?”

Me (blank stare):  Excuse me?

GSG: “Yes.  There’s an arrow right next to the picture of the gas pump that tells you which side the tank is on.”

I didn’t believe him.   I honestly did not.  How could it be this easy?  How did he know that it was there?  Did I dare look down?  Could this dream be real?

GSG (seeing my look of astonishment):  “It’s on every car.”

Me: Wait – seriously?  Every car?

GSG: Here’s your receipt, Bonita.

Me:  Thank you.  And, remember?  I go by Bo?  (We’ve had this conversation before, he and I.  He feels strongly that I ruined the name Bonita by shortening it to a boy name.)

GSG: Yes.  I remember. Have a nice day!


And that is the story of how maybe I cannot save you money at the gas station, but I can save you a little bit of humiliation.  Unless this information is common knowledge to the whole world except me and now I’m the embarrassed one and will devote my life to make sure all citizens have equal opportunity to learn this important truth before they’re 45 and write a blog about it like it’s new information.

Girl on a mission,

Bo(nita = silent)

P.S.  I almost forgot!  Would you say a little prayer for my friend,  Kristin, who’s little boy is trying to escape the womb about 11 weeks early?  She’s stuck in the hospital in Eugene, hoping to get that sweet Little to at least 34 weeks and – wow – I can’t imagine how difficult, frustrating, scary it would be.  Love you, Kristin!



  1. Sharon Murray-Roberts

    Oh. My. Goodness. Another way in which we are scarily alike. I NEVER know what side the gas tank is on (and I’ve had my car a year, I’m not kidding, a year and I still have to stretch my head out and try to see what side it’s on) and I had no idea there was an arrow! I just went out and checked and THERE IT IS. This will change my life. I also did not know your real name was Bonita. I thought it was Bo like Bo Derek (assuming she hasn’t shortened hers as well–wait, just googled it, her real name is Mary Catherine??). Okay, sorry this comment is so long, but THANK YOU for the enlightenment my friend!!! (And prayer just went up for Kristin and the little one).

    • Ha! I really love you, Sharon. Yes…Bonita only lasted a few days before my older sisters’ pronunciation made my mom crazy.

  2. You made my day! Since I travel often and rent strange cars this will be valuable in saving me from the need to pretend it is just because I have blonde hair!

  3. Ha! Who knew?

    And may I add that GSG must be some kind of genius. He should write a (man)ual or something.

  4. Wow…I’m sitting here open mouthed! I had no idea there was a trick to knowing what side the gas tank is on. That is a GREAT tip! Gas station attendants can be truly helpful at times…20+ years ago an attendant taught me “Lefty Lucy…Righty Tighty”…which have I used a multitude of times!

  5. True, even for the 2010 Prius with a digital dash. Arrow pops right up, which makes sense because visits to the gas station are so few and far between that it’s easy to forget which side it’s on. BUT, tell your attendant friend that the 2001 GMC Yukon is lacking in the arrow gas cap direction category. Their thought must have been, “Real men don’t need no stinkin’ arrow.” Or something like that.

  6. Yes .. will pray and thanks for the chuckle this morning as I think we have all done that at one time of another..

  7. OK, so I just walked out to my car and sure enough, in the middle of the tachometer gauge there is an arrow > which reads Fuel Door. I have never before seen the arrow or the words…. thanks for sharing 🙂

  8. That’s funny, you made me laugh once again.

  9. Bo, actually I learned this all by myself, no less than 3 weeks ago! (And I thought — am I the only one who doesn’t know that?) I just happen to notice a little arrow by the pump on the dash of Kathy’s new car, and later noticed an arrow on mine — but pointing the opposite direction — so I thought … duh, is that pointing the direction of the tank? huh? … could it be that easy?! … has it been there all this time??? Whew! Thanks to your blog, now I don’t feel so bad about not “knowing” that! :>)

    • Susan from Nebraska

      Wow – too funny! I never knew that. Will save me many times of backing up and turning around since we pump our own gas in Nebraska. But it’s still embarrassing when you have to do it!

  10. Yes……thanks for the great chuckle this morning. Your entry is so funny……because, yes I too just learned this not so long ago. Lucky for me, I learned that from Doug before the GSS had to tell me!! 🙂 Have a blessed day and Brenden and I continue to pray for Steve and your family. Thanks for sharing your life with us…….Hugs

    PS~he’s hoping to room with Josiah this weekend at camp….

    • Oh, I’m so glad Brendan is going to camp! Josiah was so excited today…I’m sure he was hiding the tears to be leaving me. That’s what I tell myself. 🙂

  11. I have pulled up to gas stations before on the wrong side… but then i noticed the little fuel arrow… I did not know that every car has that! Wow! impressive! Praying for Kristin!

  12. I had no idea….good to know! However there is not little arrow on my car :(.

  13. i read this post a while ago when you wrote it and yesterday when getting gas, i noticed my car does not have a little arrow showing me which side the gas tank is on, haha. awesome gas station it is not on every car, my 2005 aveo does indeed not have it