True confession: I love studying like other people love rock-climbing or bungee jumping or watching the stars.  For me, it is the grandest, deepest adventure and not in any way an act of discipline.  I don’t believe for a second that this is a virtue or a measure of spirituality, it’s just an odd personality quirk but it’s one I was built with.  I am the product of a Creator who knew what I would love loving in this crazy world.

Because of this study hobby, I often find myself saying when I teach,  “This is my favorite passage in the whole Word of God.”  But the fact is, I do have a few favorites.  In the New Testament, my favorite is absolutely the gospel of John, most specifically chapters 1 and 11, with 1 winning by a nose.  It is brilliant.  A masterpiece.  I’ve read it in every possible translation and studied it in the original language and can never get to the depths of it.  “The Word became flesh, and dwelt among us…”  Be still my heart.  The whole chapter leaves me breathless and not-quite-but-almost speechless.  Here it is in my Bible from 2008 (I use a new Bible every year so I don’t get sucked in by old highlighting):

John 1 is just remarkably interwoven with truth and clues and mystery and treasure.  It has in so many ways, established what I believe about who Jesus really is and how He loves.  It’s an anchor.  A rock.  The foundation for my faith.

Every day when I read since 2009, I have marked the date at the beginning of the chapter so I can cross-reference in my journal.  This little habit has been invaluable and also just sort of fun, to see when I last read something.  Today, I was so excited to see that John 1 was back on the menu.  Because I love my 2008 Bible so much, I sneak back to it occasionally and today was one of those days.  I turned the crinkly pages to John’s story and smiled down at the familiar markings and notations, before glancing up at the date in the corner to see when the last time was that I had visited this hallowed ground in this particular Bible.

9/22/10.  My heart stopped for a second.  I know that date like the back of my hand.  I remember it like it was yesterday.  The day I breezed through the door of a doctor’s office with my husband and…my world imploded.  That day.  I didn’t know when I woke up that morning and read this beautiful chapter that it was my last day of life-as-I-had-known-it, but God did and He had gone before me and sent My Favorite to light my way.  He knew that on that day, my story would change – but He also knew that His story wouldn’t.  Ever.  Today when I saw it, I added a note to the date:

I added it so that I would remember in years to come that even when everything falls apart, He is catching the pieces and building something beautiful.  He will not be undone or outdone.  He will not move, shake or change.  He is in the middle of July 2011 like He was in the middle of September 2010 and will be in the middle of March 2099.  He is.  And His Word stands forever.

“And the light shines on in the darkness, for the darkness has never overpowered it…”  John 1:5


  1. Wow! I’m speechless at another provisional minute authored by the God who knows us so well.

  2. Needed the reminder today… He is the same always… it is us who try and change the outcome.. thank you Bo..

  3. Wow. This is so incredibly encouraging Bo. Thank you so much for your transparency and honesty. Love you so!

  4. Yes! Yes! Yes and Amen! You just preached a whole sermon in the last paragraph!

  5. Beautiful, just beautiful.

  6. Susan from Nebraska

    True confession: I am not gifted w/the studying gene. In fact I would rather balance a checkbook ……BUT God has a way of disciplining us in the things He wants us to do. I have to speak at every Regional in our up and coming trip to Australia soooooo I am studying. AND I find I am loving it. You, also, have inspired me to study more.
    Thanks for the encouragement Bo.

  7. I love this post. I love the Word. I love you. Thanks for sharing and reminding me of the power of God’s Word that is daily breathed upon and over us.

  8. Excellent journal for the day. Thank you.

  9. love love love this!

  10. I love, love, love what you wrote today. So needed to hear this today. Thanks for the reminder.

  11. Oh wow I so remember that day. I love this. LOVE THIS.