Not gonna lie, last week was hard.  One ALS death and two dear friends diagnosed with cancer, one of them terminal.  At times, it felt like devastation was running amok, waiting to pounce.  Have you ever feared your phone ringing or your email inbox?  That was last week.


This morning I woke up feeling…wary.  A new day.  A new week.  What will it bring?


As I read some precious words in Matthew, I knew I needed to make a decision about my week.   I needed to label it ahead of time instead of fearing what it might become as the pages of days turn.  I thought and prayed.  I considered my current circumstances and all that might lie ahead in the next seven days and I chose the word:  C O U R A G E.  And I scribbled this into my journal:


My word for the week ahead is: C O U R A G E.  I want to face it with the kind of bighearted bravery that races in to meet the giant rather than skulking around the perimeter of the battlefield or hiding in the coat closet.  Life is too short to waste precious energy just staying under the radar.


Just choosing that small-but-oh-so-big word made a mark on my heart.  It carved its initials into my outlook, orienting my thinking toward forward motion rather than dodge-and-weave. I like it.  I like owning that word for this week.  I’m giving myself permission to be extraordinarily brave.  Not because I’m strong, but because He is.  Not because I’m smart enough to win the battles we face, but because He is.


Though a host encamp against me, My heart will not fear; Though war arise against me, In spite of this I shall be confident. Psalm 27:3


Maybe you need a word this week, too.   Perhaps you need a beautiful little noun or verb that you could package up and hold close and let it do a little steering, moving you toward God’s best for your days and away from less-worthy thinking.  Desperate for rest? For joy, peace, truth, clarity, wisdom, adventure?  Why not slap a label on your week ahead of time and see how it tilts your heart toward hope.


If you choose a word, I’d love to hear it (because maybe I’ll need it next week!)


Bring it,  Monday!  I’m ready for you,




  1. You are a lion heart and I love that. I needed this today!

    Praising God for being in a place where He is calling me to pray, lift up, and be there for others … with the comfort wherewith He has comforted me! He doesn’t waste anything, does He?? Praying His courage into your life right now!

    • Well, Claudia, I know that your en-couragement has helped me have courage for the week ahead, so I think you have chosen perfectly. 🙂

  3. Oh how I love your words! I am going to declare this week in my life, fulfilling. Some would say, looking from the outside in, that its a packed,crazy-busy, hectic week, but I CHOOSE to call it fulfilling. Getting things done in the natural while keeping my heart focused on getting things done for the Kingdom. I pray for your courage this week because HE is courageous thru you.

    • Oh, Janelle – that’s a great word and a wise choice. I”m certain I’ll circle back and steal your word as the holidays approach. 🙂

  4. Losing my little brother to liver cancer this week. Needed this post so much. Thank you for putting words to the struggle to stay brave.

  5. My word for the week is gentle. Gentle with myself as I physically heal from a recent hospitalization, gentle with others when I want to be cranky with them.

  6. HOPE….Those that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength (Is. 40:31).

  7. CHANGE – my word is change. We are going through a lot of transition here at KKV. Just today, we’ve been to a college for one of the girls, looking to see if it’s a “fit”. We’ve also been to look at a room in a nearby village for three older boys who will begin living off campus next month. These are scary changes for us here at KKV, but we must embrace them, move forward with courage, as you have said!! Thanks for encouraging me to choose a word and stand on it. God is faithful and He love us and He will guide us into paths of righteousness for His name sake.

  8. RESOLVE…to do the next thing (be it with mustard seed or mountain-sized faith).

  9. My word is fierce!All last week I was walking around fearful and full of anxiety.Anxiety about my children, my marriage my future and theirs.This week I will be fierce and stand up and not shrink back.I believe God’s promises and He is teaching me to be fierce about His Words toward me.

    One of my favorite quotes for this season is from Shakespeare:And though she be but little, she is fierce.

  10. I like your word courage. Action in the face of fear. Action is what the Lord can help me with. I get stuck when I think the Lord is going to remove my fear.

  11. This week I need STRENGTH..I am an only child married to an only child. I am already a caretaker for my father and my father-n-law is having both knees replaced this week…and a mother-in-law with early stages of dementia. Today the tears are close as I am preparing for the changes coming in the next weeks and months.

  12. Hi Bo,
    We haven’t met but I am Annie Schrader’s dad. Caught your blog today and I can really relate to bad news piling on. So much so that sometimes I lose hope, and stop expecting for any good to ever happen. So my word this week is HOPE. Expectant hope.

  13. Love this Bo.

    I’m choosing Hope, because I need it & this world is desperate for it.

  14. Flourish (I once saw it tattooed inside a wrist), because, “Life is too short to waste precious energy just staying under the radar.”

    So many words to choose from. But most of all “LOVED”.

    God bless you Bo.

  16. F A I T H , when the world seems impossible it can be changed by faith, but all too often my faith waivers. Faith reminds me that it’s not up to me, but puts my eyes where all things are possible…in a God who never fails.

    Oh and Bo-rocks, that will be my second word. 🙂 Love reading your sweet words of encouragement and wisdom. Thanks for giving so much of your self for so many others. Love you!

  17. My word for the week is COMFORT. I have a son who is struggling and my prayer is that God would allow me to give him COMFORT, just as HE has comforted me.

  18. Quietness… A robe of promise that the Lord gave me a long time ago that needs to be dusted off and worn closely again

    “In returning and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength…”

  19. Dear Bo, CoURagE is not an accident.
    Yesterday, I heard an author talk about her observation of the way we talk about life and death in our culture.
    She realized during chemo for cancer that it was the poison that killed many cells which allowed her to live. In addition, she gave some examples of how the end of life, no matter how it happens, is not a failure. It’s part of the whole. I am PRAYING for a CURE for ALS.

  20. I don’t know what word to choose. I’m trying to keep my child alive while he is fighting a terrible disease. It takes all day every day and the other kids are suffering. I have no word today.

  21. Such a great post! My word for this week is ABLE.

  22. Two words … BE STILL. As the holidays quickly approach, I am reminded, once again, that the Baby we celebrate is worthy of more than a passing glance. In order to keep my eyes on Him, I need to be still when the world would tell me to shop … wrap … bake … plan … buy more … Be still, my child. Instead … listen … reflect … remember … be still.