Dear friend,
This little web site you’re reading is the place where my writing developed, my life fell apart and my dreams were reborn. It holds so much beauty for me and so many memories that are both painful and wonderful. It contains pictures of the people I love – the ones I have traveled the world with, stood in the storm with and the dear one I released to heaven.
All those words to say: This place is sacred to me, but I’ve had trouble coming back to it.
This morning I read “…no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.” (Mark 2:21) And I wrote down all the “wineskins” in my life – the containers for the work of God: my city, my church, my home, my relationships, my web site. While I know He’s making new wine in me, I know I have to be willing to let Him bring new wineskins as well, otherwise both the wine and the container will no longer be useful or delicious.
I love the stories I have told on this web site, and they will always be here. But I have moved my words to a new container: It’s not just me there – it’s several women I have hand-picked who have mighty pens and miraculous stories. We gather there to talk about finding our place in God’s story – and we also host conferences, events and offer amazing e-resources, including a Monday morning newsletter where I write my heart out about what God is doing in my study, speaking, dating and dreaming adventures as I work to live a YES life. I’d love for you to join me there. You can read the very first one and subscribe here.
Thank you for joining me here and there and everywhere. I am beyond grateful to have you in my life.
Because of Jesus,
P.S. We also have a fantastic advent devotional called Song of Mary available as a free download on the web site right now. Don’t miss it! It’s just 7 days so you have plenty of time to jump in and savor this season and The Magnificat.
P.P.S: That’s my teeny-tiny Christmas tree at the top of this post and I LOVE it. It’s a whole new concept for me to not FILL the room with a giant tree and one million post-Christmas pine needles, but turns out it’s never too late to change your mind about what makes Christmas beautiful.
I am not sure why I got so misty reading this post. I think initially it struck me how when I started my blog in 2006, The Difference of Day was one of the first blogs I put on my blogroll…remember those days?! So many posts, musings and so many changes to the online world and our worlds in the midst of writing.
But I believe I also felt emotion because sometimes the looking back allows a more complete view of today. I am so glad your words and others are contained at a new address and fully saturated by the goodness of our faithful Father.
He’s so good at giving us new things and showing us new ways.