Dear friend, This little web site you’re reading is the place where my writing developed, my life fell apart and my dreams were reborn. It holds so much beauty for me and so many memories that are both painful and wonderful. It contains pictures of the people I […]
Read MoreAll Creatures Great And Small
I have not spoken out about the immigration issue so far and I know so many people are urging/pushing spiritual leaders to step up and take a stand. I’ve written at least five different posts. I’ve read so many articles, watched so many videos. I’ve been scouring scripture for direction […]
Read MoreNew & Exciting Things 1, 2 & 3
Heyo, friends of mine! So many of you have kindly mentioned to me that the blogging has not so much been happening since I got back from Italy. I know. I have been MIA recently and there are reasons but none of them are particularly interesting or exciting so […]
Read MoreWhat To Do With Loneliness
I married Steve when I was 19, having lived with my sister before that and a bunch of college women before that and my parents before that. I was steeped in the tea of togetherness for as long as I could remember. If there was one thing I […]
Read MoreThe Only Door Out
I’ve been sitting long and quiet this morning, trying to figure out whether or not to share something out loud. It feels extra vulnerable, which is why it’s a fight to wrap it into words, but also why I need to. For months, I have been dealing […]
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